I did depotestosterone injections for about a decade. I stopped when my Dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer, as testosterone is cancer fuel (so is sugar, but that's a different discussion for a different thread). I grew hair in places I never had hair before, and did notice mood swings the first couple of days after receiving the injections. The plus sides were it made me "strong like bull", and it helped with overall muscle tone and other manly endeavors.
I initially started with a compounded cream, but read a lot of literature that that cream could be transmitted from my body to my wife's body just from cuddling, and genuinely didn't want her to have a better mustache than mine, so we switched approaches after a few month to the shots.
I've been off of it altogether for roughly a decade now, and feel like I kept "some" of the attributes from the regimen, but really don't miss the shots every-other-week nor the mood swings. And by mood swings I mean anger over trivial shit. I had to learn to manage that, but once I did it smoothed out. Now I just want to smote SOME of the people SOME of the time 😉🤷♂️