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Something stinks in Cockeye? (Updated 11:20)

big fucking deal bfd GIF
went to an ISU vs Cockeye game in Cockeye city with a couple of friends that are ISU fans and I ended up getting in a fight with an Cockeye fan. No one hates them more than me.
that said this is retarded, I’m sure most coaches have done much more egregious things with no penalty whatsoever.
Do you land any good haymakers? Smash his face on a car windshield?
Do you land any good haymakers? Smash his face on a car windshield?
I was shit faced and I’m sure the other guy was as well. I think both of us threw some big haymakers and nothing landing before it was broken up by friends of both fighters. Happened inside the stadium before the game even started
went to an ISU vs Cockeye game in Cockeye city with a couple of friends that are ISU fans and I ended up getting in a fight with an Cockeye fan. No one hates them more than me.
that said this is retarded, I’m sure most coaches have done much more egregious things with no penalty whatsoever.
Same here. What is it really going to prove?

Such an insult when a head coach gets suspended. i.e. Harbaugh and Ferenz.

I got a better idea. Suspend all assistants for one game and the head coach for another.
Same here. What is it really going to prove?

Such an insult when a head coach gets suspended. i.e. Harbaugh and Ferenz.

I got a better idea. Suspend all assistants for one game and the head coach for another.
How about the cruit they broke the rules for is required to transfer.

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