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Single digit jerseys just dropped

He’s huge
The Office GIF
This is one of my main curmudgeonly views... I'm not into the single digit thing haha.

Imagine Frazier being #15 and then switching to #3 halfway through his career, Ahman Green being #30 and then switching to #6, Rex Burkhead being #22 and then... also ending up #6. Grant Wistrom being #98 and then switching to #4… ya know what I mean? Plus, with so many guys over the years choosing from the same small number of jersey numbers it just ends up feeling LESS special.

I love the competition aspect and honoring these guys, I just wish there was another way. Even something small but meaningful, like the 10 guys getting to have their hometown area code on their helmet or something (like Frost did for the whole team and then took away for some reason). That would allow OL to get the honor too.


To expand a little more, think about even a short 5-year "good but not great" stretch like 2009-2014...

Imagine Helu, Burkhead, Bell, Suh, Prince, Fonzie, Niles, Ganz, Compton, Crick, Rose-Ivey, Foltz, Jano, Gerry, plus guys who already wore single digits like Lavonte, Ameer, Armstrong, Westerkamp, Asante, Thenarse, Gomes, imagine ALL of those guys having jersey numbers between 0-9 instead of the numbers we associate them with now, some of them (like Suh being #93) being iconic in Husker history... once it starts adding up it just seems like it'll be kind of weird and kind of a bummer! Haha
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This is one of my main curmudgeonly views... I'm not into the single digit thing haha.

Imagine Frazier being #15 and then switching to #3 halfway through his career, Ahman Green being #30 and then switching to #6, Rex Burkhead being #22 and then... also ending up #6. Grant Wistrom being #98 and then switching to #4… ya know what I mean? Plus, with so many guys over the years choosing from the same small number of jersey numbers it just ends up feeling LESS special.

I love the competition aspect and honoring these guys, I just wish there was another way. Even something small but meaningful, like the 10 guys getting to have their hometown area code on their helmet or something (like Frost did for the whole team and then took away for some reason). That would allow OL to get the honor too.


To expand a little more, think about even a short 5-year "good but not great" stretch like 2009-2014...

Imagine Helu, Burkhead, Bell, Suh, Prince, Fonzie, Niles, Ganz, Compton, Crick, Rose-Ivey, Foltz, Jano, Gerry, plus guys who already wore single digits like Lavonte, Ameer, Armstrong, Westerkamp, Asante, Thenarse, Gomes, imagine ALL of those guys having jersey numbers between 0-9 instead of the numbers we associate them with now, some of them (like Suh being #93) being iconic in Husker history... once it starts adding up it just seems like it'll be kind of weird and kind of a bummer! Haha
To do a little psychological profiling here:
1. Do you pay for NFL Sunday Ticket?
2. Do you have a job in which you tuck your shirt in?

I think I already know the answer to these questions but I just want to see how I did.
To do a little psychological profiling here:
1. Do you pay for NFL Sunday Ticket?
2. Do you have a job in which you tuck your shirt in?

I think I already know the answer to these questions but I just want to see how I did.
0 for 2! Why?
Ah, if only we had some kind of...shirts...that we could give out to the defense to accomplish this and keep the single digits to the offense...what a time to be alive that would be
Yeah, let’s keep things the same, that has been working lately. Also, WTF says offense should get these numbers? In this 1960?
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Having been awful for most of the 21st century, it would be awesome if we could find a way to do things dramatically differently but without changing anything at all.

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