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Should we can the Elite section?

Just curious, but is there a reason why you did a message board format as opposed to a Discord server, where you could create rooms for the various topics of discussion? I was just curious.
Just curious, but is there a reason why you did a message board format as opposed to a Discord server, where you could create rooms for the various topics of discussion? I was just curious.
I honestly just found out about Discord recently.
I wonder how many daily page views you need with ads to make it pay for the hosting and the software licensing. Also, how many users would it take to generate that number of page views?
Yeah fuck the ads unless we run into money issues. Think we have enough users that would donate if money was needed.
Let me know what you guys think.

@kenyanfeline and others, thoughts on not having that section?

Financially, it is not cheap hosting the website, paying for the domain, paying for the security and all that, and every add on costs money as well (the themes, the homepage, Pick Em, username tweaks, customization options, basically everything. So those that would be willing to still contribute, I would appreciate it.

Have you thought about giving away free gear to boost memberships?

What about banner ads?

Maybe getting @Elizabeth Reed financial to sponsor the elite chat?

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