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Should we can the Elite section?

My two main concerns are financial and taters. I joined as Elite in order to provide some financial support.

What worries me about voluntary contributions is how many you will get. The developers of this site shouldn’t have to lose money on this venture.

Secondly, I want some way to keep the taters from RSS off of this board. Several of us dropped our membership to RSS due to the ever increasing number of taters over there. I certainly don’t have the answer for how you do it, but appreciate any effort to contain.
Agree with Scottie. Myself would be willing to invest more now if the future looks bright?
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Gary, are you saying that you're operating in the red with the current subs or are you just asking whether the PLE needs to exist or not?

I think those that are willing to donate are the ones that are already "Elite" members. Paywalling some content is really the only way I can think of to pressure people into a sub if that's the route you're wanting to go. If it's all "voluntary donations" I can see the funds decreasing outside of the existing subscriber pool.
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Gary, are you saying that you're operating in the red with the current subs or are you just asking whether the PLE needs to exist or not.

I think those that are willing to donate are the ones that are already "Elite" members. Paywalling some content is really the only way I can think of to pressure people into a sub if that's the route you're wanting to go. If it's all "voluntary donations" I can see the funds decreasing outside of the existing subscriber pool.
Alright let's give it a shot! I in no way want to pressure anyone into anything.
I think there ought to be a standing committee that includes tPB Elders, like myself, to help you with this. I want to judge newbs.

I think there ought to be a standing committee that includes tPB Elders, like myself, to help you with this. I want to judge newbs.
I hereby second JDS’s self nomination to the “Peer Review Board”.

Next we will need to achieve consensus on @Blackshirts_Win_'ships suggestion that “dick pics” be presented (perhaps used as a new member’s avatar during the trial membership phase).

Finally, @Extreme55 has requested hazing (username checks out) for new members. As a former fraternity president, I’d like to take point on this (presuming it meets with current membership approval).
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I hereby second JDS’s self nomination to the “Peer Review Board”.

Next we will need to achieve consensus on @Blackshirts_Win_'ships that “dick pics” be presented (perhaps used as a new member’s avatar during the trial membership phase).

Finally, @Extreme55 has requested hazing (username checks out) for new members. As a former fraternity president, I’d like to take point on this (presuming it meets with current membership approval).
I'm going to vote no on the dick pic. Yes to the other proposals.
I hereby second JDS’s self nomination to the “Peer Review Board”.

Next we will need to achieve consensus on @Blackshirts_Win_'ships suggestion that “dick pics” be presented (perhaps used as a new member’s avatar during the trial membership phase).

Finally, @Extreme55 has requested hazing (username checks out) for new members. As a former fraternity president, I’d like to take point on this (presuming it meets with current membership approval).
Let the record reflect, I never said anything about proof...but now that you mention it, a week-long dick-shaming by avatar followed by a trial by combat to earn the right to change the avatar and post freely sounds like the perfect solution.
Let the record reflect, I never said anything about proof...but now that you mention it, a week-long dick-shaming by avatar followed by a trial by combat to earn the right to change the avatar and post freely sounds like the perfect solution.

Maybe extreme, in my opinion, even considering the hazing suggestion and eager former fraternity president signing on to be hazing director mod.

Back in my day, fraternity presidents maintained plausible deniability by letting the other folks do the hazing without their knowledge.
Maybe extreme, in my opinion, even considering the hazing suggestion and eager former fraternity president signing on to be hazing director mod.

Back in my day, fraternity presidents maintained plausible deniability by letting the other folks do the hazing without their knowledge.
I'm old. I've no further need for "plausible deniability". WYSIWYG. Besides, remembering all the lies is simply too much work anymore. Life is better with truth, even if it's uncomfortable at times.

Kind of like having your pant legs tied shut at the bottom, filling the pants with ice, making you stand on a 3-legged chair whilst holding an upside down match and reciting all of HTO's usernames over the years. Builds character, I'm told.

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