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Should we can the Elite section?


A different animal and the same beast
Elite Member
Let me know what you guys think.

@kenyanfeline and others, thoughts on not having that section?

Financially, it is not cheap hosting the website, paying for the domain, paying for the security and all that, and every add on costs money as well (the themes, the homepage, Pick Em, username tweaks, customization options, basically everything. So those that would be willing to still contribute, I would appreciate it.

Do you control who can join the Platinum Board page or can anyone see it? Reason I ask is if all of the "Inside Information" is on this page then eventually I see it being a situation where enough RSS posters will have migrated here that it will become like the part of RSS we don't like. Also will be tough to say some of the things about Deab & the writers if we are still on that board. I understand the cost side of it being a concern. Could you drop one of the other pages like HyVee Parking lot instead? I like the idea of having a page with information that is not out there for every Husker fan to read.
Some thoughts:

Is it cost effective to toggle the "elite" board on and off based on when the football practices and the season are ongoing? If so, that might be a decent start on this problem. I suspect, given the nature of many of our sources, that there will not be a ton of "elite" information during periods when no practices and no games are being played.

However, I still think it matters to have some method of ensuring that only trusted posters are viewing the nuggets those guys bring to the board. It's sensitive stuff, and if you let anyone who can fog a mirror see it, you're really asking for problems--both for this place and, more importantly, those guys who are either direct or indirect sources. We've already seen that Callahan has gotten onto this place. I'll let the relevant people speak for themselves, but I suspect they'd be reticent to share like they have without protection. If we don't have a place to copy/paste innocuous material from RSS for scorn, that sucks but it's fine. I think those guys being able to post their terrific information is one of the key things that sets this place apart, though.

I agree with @Baron Winnebago that, while fun, I'd be fine letting go some of the novel customized features if they're making this place's upkeep too burdensome. For instance, I essentially never look at the homepage. I also never really use the sound-off chat function on the forum page. If you're interested in trimming the fat, maybe start a poll with all the stuff that costs extra and give people a couple or three choices on which they'd miss the least.
Some thoughts:

Is it cost effective to toggle the "elite" board on and off based on when the football practices and the season are ongoing? If so, that might be a decent start on this problem. I suspect, given the nature of many of our sources, that there will not be a ton of "elite" information during periods when no practices and no games are being played.

However, I still think it matters to have some method of ensuring that only trusted posters are viewing the nuggets those guys bring to the board. It's sensitive stuff, and if you let anyone who can fog a mirror see it, you're really asking for problems--both for this place and, more importantly, those guys who are either direct or indirect sources. We've already seen that Callahan has gotten onto this place. I'll let the relevant people speak for themselves, but I suspect they'd be reticent to share like they have without protection. If we don't have a place to copy/paste innocuous material from RSS for scorn, that sucks but it's fine. I think those guys being able to post their terrific information is one of the key things that sets this place apart, though.

I agree with @Baron Winnebago that, while fun, I'd be fine letting go some of the novel customized features if they're making this place's upkeep too burdensome. For instance, I essentially never look at the homepage. I also never really use the sound-off chat function on the forum page. If you're interested in trimming the fat, maybe start a poll with all the stuff that costs extra and give people a couple or three choices on which they'd miss the least.
What he said.
Yes I could make it so that whenever someone new wants to join, they must be approved manually before they can see anything.
I think that's a good approach if you're contemplating dropping the "elite" section. I agree with JDS above that if it's wide open, then anyone "who can fog a mirror" arrives here and long term I think that spells trouble. Some execution thoughts:
  • If you're going to extend that "NCIU" exclusivity model, I'd start by reviewing EVERYBODY with a membership.
  • The paid members (69 and Elite) status should be reviewed 1st, and if there's a question regarding their identity and content, toss it over to an "editorial board" for vote up or vote down.
  • Extend the review process / editorial board voting to the free members next. Provide a brief transition period for the free members that would accompany their review period before offering them a paid membership if they want to remain on the site. Yes, we will lose some members and their contributions, but they're the largest disruptors to a relatively interesting and drama free user experience that we currently enjoy.
    • Feel free to offer a short "trial membership" experience if the software can support that without great cost as a means and method to acquire new, interesting members.
  • Immediately revoke Sean's handle. He has no business being part of our community.
Also, one of the things that always bothered me about the home page was the inclusion of a large portion of the weekly EPP on that page. One or two of the first lines would be more than sufficient to 'wet the beak' of any interested potential members without sharing so much content and risking sources, etc. to the RSS staff & mob.
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My two main concerns are financial and taters. I joined as Elite in order to provide some financial support.

What worries me about voluntary contributions is how many you will get. The developers of this site shouldn’t have to lose money on this venture.

Secondly, I want some way to keep the taters from RSS off of this board. Several of us dropped our membership to RSS due to the ever increasing number of taters over there. I certainly don’t have the answer for how you do it, but appreciate any effort to contain.

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