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Sad member news (RIP BBTownBomber/Elizabeth Reed)

Took a trip to Estes this week. It was imperative to swing through Scottsbluff past Denny's office.

Ate at the Tangled Tumbleweed about one mile from BBTowns office. Food was incredible, so I assume Denny enjoyed stopping in for a bite.

Wish the visit would've happened sooner, but still good to know he was there in spirit.

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@RedSeaRising isn’t that where we ate after his funeral?
Took a trip to Estes this week. It was imperative to swing through Scottsbluff past Denny's office.

Ate at the Tangled Tumbleweed about one mile from BBTowns office. Food was incredible, so I assume Denny enjoyed stopping in for a bite.

Wish the visit would've happened sooner, but still good to know he was there in spirit.

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Thanks for this. I sat in that office a couple of years ago and had a an ice cold Corona on a very warm August day before he took me for a tour of the town. Finished the day with a terrific Rib Eye dinner at his lovely home. I'm so glad I have those memories.
Yes. Good shit. @BIGSTICK67 missed an opportunity to go inside Denny's office, drink a silver bullet, and buy some whole life insurance
Ha ha! I bought term and invested the difference. Isn't that a phrase from the 1990's?

Seriously though, it was cool to actually drive by his business and muse about his drunken shit posts...along with his generosity.
Thanks for this. I sat in that office a couple of years ago and had a an ice cold Corona on a very warm August day before he took me for a tour of the town. Finished the day with a terrific Rib Eye dinner at his lovely home. I'm so glad I have those memories.
Sat in that house many times and enjoyed a good many vices with Denny after Mary Ann cooked us a meal
Stunned at how good the food was.

This beer put Summer Shandy to shame. Cleaner and less filling and came from a brewery in Broken Bow.
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My folks live in Scottsbluff. That place is awesome. And I'm a legitimate food snob with a palette more sophisticated than any redneck from Nebraska should have
She's good. I will see her this week when I drop off bbq at her house. I'm pretty sure she still works and spends alot of time with friends and her grand kids. Soon after Denny passed her sister died so those first few months were very hard for her. One of the nicest ladies I've ever met. For anyone that knew Denny, he got lucky because he didn't deserve her and he'd admit it...

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