Me and a couple other high school coaches were talking about that. I live in Bethel, Alaska which has 1-2 Alaska Air jets a day. Currently the school district has a 14 day mandatory quarantine if you leave the region which means any sort of sports travel is impossible. Cross Country and volleyball are not allowed to practice and when they can their only chance for games is against some nearby villages. Those villages have a population of 200-600 while Bethel is 7 thousand. Right now they've moved wrestling back a month so that it ends January 31. This is important because in Alaska wrestling and basketball do not run at the same time so kids in smaller communities compete in both. Last year, in my top 8 for basketball, were 3 state champions and 1 third place finisher. The third place finisher was also third team all state for basketball.
We can only envision some sort of a season if one or a combination of these factors happen:
1. The saliva test drastically expands so that it's available for everyone.
2. Some sort of vaccine is released. Even if people don't take it I think the presence of one will allow even the most averse of people to open things up.
3. We find a treatment that works better than anything currently in use.
TL😀R alcohol consumption is at an all time high.