I think it would be a good thing if there were a societal shift toward accepting "stay at home if you're sick and possibly contagious." I hope employers allow for it, covid, cold, influenza, or whatever. It would be tough for employers of "essential workers" to figure out, and I understand and have no solutions for that issue.
All that said, I used to get bored with school so I would "pretend sick" watch "The Price is Right" and whatever else as a kid.
Wouldn't we all be better off if contagious people could stay away from the rest of us for a little while without fear of losing their jobs?
I so wanted to put a bunch of common misspellings and grammatical errors in this post (loosing their jobs, etc). I decided against it and put this really lame last paragraph here, but I'm one that appreciates paragraphs, spelling, and a minimum of punctuation. I'm anti @jbt25.
@Elizabeth Reed won't have too much to correct, but it is late and I should be sleeping.