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Proposition: Wrestling threads produce more dickheat than any other type

Johannes de Silentio

Offensive Lineman
Elite Member
The two most recent decently-sized wrasslin' threads on the Scrolls have now both involved dudes making threats to fight each other IRL as well as multiple, sometimes-unrelated arguments unfolding. It's like clockwork: If someone makes a thread about wrasslin', be it in earnest or not, there's guaranteed to be some carnage. Really something to see.
The two most recent decently-sized wrasslin' threads on the Scrolls have now both involved dudes making threats to fight each other IRL as well as multiple, sometimes-unrelated arguments unfolding. It's like clockwork: If someone makes a thread about wrasslin', be it in earnest or not, there's guaranteed to be some carnage. Really something to see.
It’s one of the regular things I miss most about the scrolls. You could set your watch to a wrasslin rustlin.
I once told a bunch of former wrestlers that playing basketball also has benefits to becoming a good football player. Their reaction was something along the lines of “well we could kick a basketball players ass”
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It really is incredible how defensive wrestler diehards get. The whole idea that if a kid wrestles then he’ll be a great football player drives me nuts.
All I can say about wrestling is that the ones who were good in HS also told us they got boners when they took shits.

If you ever go to a youth wrestling tournament you’ll understand.

Waaaay too many dads that would rather put their 6 year olds trophy he won from a 4-man bracket with 2 kids that don’t even know why they’re there on their own mantle.

Im the weird one in our club because IDGAF about how many matches my kid gets and refuse to travel to nationals tournaments because he’s a fucking 7 year old.
I wrestled from age 4 till I was 14, then I had to pick between basketball and wrestling in high school. End up playing D2 basketball but I still love wrestling. My son will wrestle when old enough but not looking forward to the parents part.

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