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Playing golf with Matt Slauson tomorrow.....

Sorry, not sorry if I didn't get all questions asked. Matt is a nice guy, still looks like a college player. Fun dude, loves to golf and gamble on the course.
Ok, .... Husker insider..... starting off with his Husker days... Matt was a big Oakland Raiders fan growing up. Essentially, Callahan being our coach at that time got his commitment (obviously with Callahan being the Raiders coach before). Matt said his freshman year he was 4th string (or the 8th guy) at tackle or guard. With multiple injuries head of him , 3 games left in the season with all the injuries he got a phone call from Bill C. Matt was thinking he was getting cut, instead Bill said, "are you ready for this", Matt, ( thinking he was getting cut off the team) said, " yeah I'm ready ", Bill said, " your starting Saturday". The rest of his Husker career, we all know. Matt said Callahan was a great coach and recruiter, no if ands or buts about it. Callahan's downfall, according to Matt, was he wouldn't let go of Cosgrove. He loved Pelini, and Cotton as his coaches as well, but said, "Bo was a psycho but every player loved him!"
Matt said that he believes everything going wrong so far with Frost is definitely "a culture thing", kids are soft nowadays, Frost isn't being or hasn't been tuff enough to get the "culture " set right. He thinks the Offensive line has potential, he really likes Austin and the way he coaches. Basically he said numerous times that Frost didn't start his coaching career here by being stern and setting a precedence of " a Husker culture", and didn't have upper clasmen that were leaders or dicks.
Matt said that Jay Cutler, Matt Forte, and Ladlian Tomlinson were his favorite pro teammates while he was in the NFL. Matt had a really cool story about Chris Long. Slauson was already in the league for a year or two when the Bears drafted Long. Long came in during camp, this is before a season game. Slauson said Long fucked up on a drill or play in practice. Went into the huddle or the offensive line group after the play, looked at him and said, "you know what I hate about this game?. Fuckin hate rookies!" Matt said Chris looked like a lost puppy and didn't know how to take it. Eventually they became really good friends, and still are.
Matt said that Jay Cutler, Matt Forte, and Ladlian Tomlinson were his favorite pro teammates while he was in the NFL. Matt had a really cool story about Chris Long. Slauson was already in the league for a year or two when the Bears drafted Long. Long came in during camp, this is before a season game. Slauson said Long fucked up on a drill or play in practice. Went into the huddle or the offensive line group after the play, looked at him and said, "you know what I hate about this game?. Fuckin hate rookies!" Matt said Chris looked like a lost puppy and didn't know how to take it. Eventually they became really good friends, and still are.
You're in Osage too? Slausen is a good dude.

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