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Outdoor TV

I think I’ve seen a few documentaries about Rick online
We did a lot of fishing when I was a kid and Rick would go with. He lived about 45mins away, but I would wake up and he would already be in the driveway at 430-5am. Turns out he was usually still up from the night before ripping lines in the car.

Played golf with him several times and we’d play incredibly fast, like 45mins for 9-holes. Again - cocaine.
What are you guys using for pest control to enjoy the outside this time of year? Flies and mosquitos are thiiiiick right now for me near the Ne/Ks border.
Backyard bug control spray about once a month, my wife gets scars from NE Mosquitos and those little corn bugs or whatever thousand different names people call them, this stuff works wonders.

I think the conventional is to just do a cheaper standard TV plus a cover. Only exception is if it will be directly in the sunlight and you need something brighter (I think the outdoor TVs are supposed to perform better in direct sunlight).
We did a lot of fishing when I was a kid and Rick would go with. He lived about 45mins away, but I would wake up and he would already be in the driveway at 430-5am. Turns out he was usually still up from the night before ripping lines in the car.

Played golf with him several times and we’d play incredibly fast, like 45mins for 9-holes. Again - cocaine.
While I do appreciate a good cocaine story, that wasn’t really the aspect of your post that I was hoping for you to elaborate on.
I thought this was going to be a thread on the great Babe Winkelman and his outdoor TV show.

Me too
2 things -

1) I just bought a cheap walmart tv on sale to use as an outdoor tv thinking if i get a year or two out of it, i did well and i'll replace it with another walmart tv on sale. That was almost 7 years ago and it's going strong.

2) The Babe came to our little home town in WY when I was a kid for a walleye fishing tournament. He gave a talk on walleye methods and technique at a local watering hole called the safari club. Babe gives his talk and my dad and one of his buddies, Rick, are drinking, smoking cigs and taking it all in. Babe finishes up and is mingling with the local hill-jacks, when Rick says "I'm gonna go talk to this asshole."

Now, I found out years later that uncle Rick was a cocaine addict and alcoholic, on top of having sex with his wife's twin sister and his step mom. The guy was REALLY something else.

But... back to Babe. Rick goes up to him, unprovoked, takes Babe's cigarette out of his ash tray (you could smoke indoors back then, of course), takes a big, long drag off Babe's cig, blows the smoke right in his face, pokes him in the middle of the chest and says, "man, you don't know SHIT about walleye fishing." My dad says he has no idea what Babe did or said that got to Rick, but Rick was ready to throw some hands. My dad grabbed Rick and dragged him out of the safari club while Rick was yelling back at Babe, "you don't know shit about walleye fishing! I know how to catch walleyes!" and the like.
I have a somewhat similar uncle story. Pete Weber was in for a bowling tutorial thing. Pete allegedly got hammered and hit on my aunt. Uncle Bob (RIP) had a very short temper and was very protective/jealous of aunt. He grabbed Pete by the throat and slammed him up against the wall.

Luckily people pulled him off before he threw hands. He had every intention of breaking all the bones in Pete's face. It wasn't unusual for Uncle Bob to throw hands.

Pretty sure Ernie McCracken was based off of Pete.
2 things -

1) I just bought a cheap walmart tv on sale to use as an outdoor tv thinking if i get a year or two out of it, i did well and i'll replace it with another walmart tv on sale. That was almost 7 years ago and it's going strong.

2) The Babe came to our little home town in WY when I was a kid for a walleye fishing tournament. He gave a talk on walleye methods and technique at a local watering hole called the safari club. Babe gives his talk and my dad and one of his buddies, Rick, are drinking, smoking cigs and taking it all in. Babe finishes up and is mingling with the local hill-jacks, when Rick says "I'm gonna go talk to this asshole."

Now, I found out years later that uncle Rick was a cocaine addict and alcoholic, on top of having sex with his wife's twin sister and his step mom. The guy was REALLY something else.

But... back to Babe. Rick goes up to him, unprovoked, takes Babe's cigarette out of his ash tray (you could smoke indoors back then, of course), takes a big, long drag off Babe's cig, blows the smoke right in his face, pokes him in the middle of the chest and says, "man, you don't know SHIT about walleye fishing." My dad says he has no idea what Babe did or said that got to Rick, but Rick was ready to throw some hands. My dad grabbed Rick and dragged him out of the safari club while Rick was yelling back at Babe, "you don't know shit about walleye fishing! I know how to catch walleyes!" and the like.
Rick and I could’ve walloped him w a newspaper

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