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NU casino fight rumor thread

I’m also pretty sure I read somewhere that the team hotel is out in BFE and 30 minutes from everything. Probably for this exact reason
That's what I was thinking but someone on Tater Island said their brother is in Dublin and he was at a casino there and saw a Husker player in NU gear getting escorted out. Didn't say anything about a fight or anything though. So if that's true at least one player made his way over to one of their casinos.
Bill Hader Popcorn GIF by Saturday Night Live
lots of grumors today.
I don't doubt players made it to a casino, but the chances that someone saw a fight and also knew the punishment instantaneously is basically zero.
Also this fight was apparently Thursday night some time. So somehow this happened and not a single one of our 5k fans staying in Dublin knew about it?

Those 5k fans are all drinking w each other today and hanging out w in like a 0.5 mile radius.... you'd think this news would have caught like wildfire among that 5k group. Hell they were all in one picture together! lol

And someone would have tweeted it so it'd be all over NU twitter today. But no one heard a peep. 🤔
How/why the fuck would they would they let them out the night before a game in a foreign country? It was probably a hammered Dean and Greg seeing who had the better vertical in the middle of a casino.
I think they're alleging it was THURS night, so 2 nights before. Or WED, it doesn't really say.

I'm sure it was on lock down FRI night.

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