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Not good

Idk, apparently it's pretty exclusive. They apparently kick you out if anything that gets posted gets leaked and they find out it was you who leaked it.

Sounds like a buncha dudes circle jerkin each other.
They apparently get info from grad assistants who they pay handsomely. A lot of the posts are exactly like OPs. Its mainly doom and gloom over there:

Wandales transferring
Greg Austin and Frost hate each other
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And they probably feed them bad intel on purpose and those boobs eat it up

From what I've read on there most info is 100% accurate.

I did see the board owner (I'm sure it's him) and a coach out to dinner one of the first weekends the new staff was in Lincoln. No doubt it was a info recruiting dinner.
Preface: Not my information, information sent to me by our friends over at the cable union. I know nothing more than what I will say below.

Jaimes tried to watch practice yesterday, Scott didn't let him past security. Current players pissed at how he was treated. He's leaving today for Cali to prep for the draft.

'A nuclear bomb is about to go off inside Nebraska Football.' No further elaboration provided.

Is this some sort of joke? Or am I not old enough to remember something?


In reference to the “cable Union” board?
How many insiders message boards are there?
Back in the day H2-H3 brought good info. He lost his shit when Pelini was fired. He was on the Frost bandwagon big time. If we hired anyone else it was a failure. I would like to know what he thinks of Frost right now.
NCIU has been anti-Frost and largely negative against him from day one.

The guys who run the board had a real close relationship with Keith Williams, including a stake in selling his “Savage Wideout” gear. They were extremely butt hurt when Frost didn’t hire Williams and have held it against him since. They loved Riley and his staff because they were all about NCIU and fed them a lot of information.
NCIU has been anti-Frost and largely negative against him from day one.

The guys who run the board had a real close relationship with Keith Williams, including a stake in selling his “Savage Wideout” gear. They were extremely butt hurt when Frost didn’t hire Williams and have held it against him since. They loved Riley and his staff because they were all about NCIU and fed them a lot of information.


Just kidding, you're probably right.
NCIU has been anti-Frost and largely negative against him from day one.

The guys who run the board had a real close relationship with Keith Williams, including a stake in selling his “Savage Wideout” gear. They were extremely butt hurt when Frost didn’t hire Williams and have held it against him since. They loved Riley and his staff because they were all about NCIU and fed them a lot of information.

I love Keith Williams as a WR coach. He brought a level of intensity at practice that is 10x what anyone on current staff has. I'd make it a point to watch his drills. He is what I envisioned a D1 coach was like.
NCIU has been anti-Frost and largely negative against him from day one.

The guys who run the board had a real close relationship with Keith Williams, including a stake in selling his “Savage Wideout” gear. They were extremely butt hurt when Frost didn’t hire Williams and have held it against him since. They loved Riley and his staff because they were all about NCIU and fed them a lot of information.

Didn’t “EatsBugs” from RSS also have a stake in the Savage Wideout brand?
I love Keith Williams as a WR coach. He brought a level of intensity at practice that is 10x what anyone on current staff has. I'd make it a point to watch his drills. He is what I envisioned a D1 coach was like.
How was the golf coach as a receivers coach? It seemed like he produced the best results in awhile at that position.
How was the golf coach as a receivers coach? It seemed like he produced the best results in awhile at that position.

He was a nice guy and results based he was pretty damn good. However, he was loaded with WR talent. He was a pretty good instructor and seemed like he just relayed on information.

Keith's style is hard to explain in text, but his drills and instruction/teaching to his WR was on a whole different level.

The WR coaching downfall started 2 years ago, last was bad, but this year is worse. Lots of micro managing vs instruction. It feels like they're a forgotten group.

Betts would be a star under those previous two coaches
He was a nice guy and results based he was pretty damn good. However, he was loaded with WR talent. He was a pretty good instructor and seemed like he just relayed on information.

Keith's style is hard to explain in text, but his drills and instruction/teaching to his WR was on a whole different level.

The WR coaching downfall started 2 years ago, last was bad, but this year is worse. Lots of micro managing vs instruction. It feels like they're a forgotten group.

Betts would be a star under those previous two coaches
That sucks to hear. Micromanaging sucks ballsack

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