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NFL - Do you care?

Co-signed. Mrs. LHR knows she's a CFB widow for 4 months out of the year. I don't ask for much, but spending my Saturday afternoons (and Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and now Friday nights) watching hut hut is something that's non-negotiable.

As for the NFL - even prior to their virtue signaling fan suppression tactics - it was never my thing. Excellent athletes, fewer mistakes, better coaching and yet ... boring to my eyes. I don't disparage my buddies who love both - it's football, after all - and they know I'm strictly a CFB guy.
Totally with you. It should be a better product with better coaching, athletes, less mistakes - but it is so bland to me. Maybe if the regular season meant more, but if you go 8-8 you'll probably get into the playoffs and anything can happen. Just doesn't capture my attention. That and a bunch of overweight middle aged men wearing XXL-Long nfl jerseys around is odd.
Do you have a fave team? - The Bears (they make Nebraska football look like a well oiled machine)

Do you care about the Draft? - Used too until I got too busy with work/had a kid.

Do you play FFB? - only twice when I was overseas, I'd rather gamble on games

Do you just bet the games? - "I don't have a gambling problem I have a competition problem." -- MJ

Herm Edward's and Todd Haley almost ruined NFL sundays for me entirely as a chiefs fan.. Then fat corch Andy came along, coupled with Hill and fat dick Mahomes and its must see TV again.

I rarely watch a game that the chiefs aren't playing in, aside from playoffs.
Steelers are my team, but I don't lose any sleep over them.

I usually read a recap of the draft but don't watch it.

Haven't played FFB the last two years... Had previously played every year since 1990. Can't say I miss it that much but would play again.

I watch probably a one game a week... usually Sunday night. My interest is way less than it used to be, that's for sure.

I watch a lot more college football, but Nebraska has made that much less enjoyable as of late.
Packers fan by the grace of God.

The draft is on in its entirety at my house.

Fantasy football is D&D for sports nerds.

I bet occasionally.
Do you have a fave team? - no, cheer more for players. Big fan of Brady and the tampa bay Huskers

Do you care about the Draft? Sort of, it’s entertaining to watch the first round, it’s a lot more enjoyable when the Huskers actually have a couple guys who are being considered and not battling for a 7th round pick or FA.

Do you play FFB? Hell no

Do you just bet the games? I bet as well

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