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New year, new spirits budget: I'm not wasting any time

I wouldn't want to pick up peoples trash either but doesn't mean I think they should be paid more.
I see what you’re saying but trash doesn’t add any value but ensuring the education of our children does.
I see what you’re saying but trash doesn’t add any value but ensuring the education of our children does.
Most certainly does add value.

What would you do if there was no trash service? You'd have to do it yourself or hire someone to take it somewhere. Saving you time and/or money.

What would you do if there were no schools? You'd teach your kids yourself or hire someone else to do it saving you time and money.

In both cases society has developed ways to handle the necessary functions. The market pays what it pays. You're telling me that after hundreds of years of being a service teachers are still underpaid? People aren't forced to go into teaching.

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