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New year, new spirits budget: I'm not wasting any time

The only difference I've found with different Vodkas is if you drink the quality ones you have less of a hangover than cheap ones. Not sure how many people drink it straight but I can't taste any of it mixed.
The only time I can remember a vodka standing out to me was while I was at Hudson Distillery in New York State. They do a vodka there, and I tried it because the whiskeys were fine but nothing special. The vodka, on the other hand, had this peculiar flavor that I found to be pretty nice. Actually sort of tasted like something. Not sure how desirable that is given a vodka's function, but was still noteworthy to me.
Probably as good of reason as any for a vodka preference. I'd love to meet a connoisseur of that to see what they're after in their preferred vodkas. Can't imagine there are too many out there, though.
I had a friend who was really into different vodkas. There are some different notes associated with different brands but even he said the differences were subtle when compared to brown liquors or even gin.
What draws you to Tito's? I know it's been the trendy vodka for a few years, at least. I know next to nothing about vodka, so while I've had it, I can't really compare it to others that seem good to me like Ketel One.

I really can't tell all that much difference in vodka once you get to the mid-range & upper level stuff. I live in Omaha and almost always go for local vodka like Cut Spike, Coopers Chase, or the distillery in Omaha. Ketel One is another of my favorites.
I really can't tell all that much difference in vodka once you get to the mid-range & upper level stuff. I live in Omaha and almost always go for local vodka like Cut Spike, Coopers Chase, or the distillery in Omaha. Ketel One is another of my favorites.
I'm glad I either don't have taste buds or just don't care because I drink a vodka that is so shitty it has its own wikipedia page for being shitty. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dubra
I'm glad I either don't have taste buds or just don't care because I drink a vodka that is so shitty it has its own wikipedia page for being shitty. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dubra
Let me draw your attention to: Dubra is distributed in a plastic bottle, which ensures the safety of the beverage during transport.

Yes. Basically the highlight of the spirit is you don't have to worry about breaking that bottle and having it eat through the floor of your car on the way home
Let me draw your attention to: Dubra is distributed in a plastic bottle, which ensures the safety of the beverage during transport.

Yes. Basically the highlight of the spirit is you don't have to worry about breaking that bottle and having it eat through the floor of your car on the way home
Solid marketing strategy
What does cognac taste like? I’m teacher poor so I thought about getting a bottle, around 60 bucks, but didn’t want to run the risk of not liking it.
Much like good whisky, it can run the gamut in terms of smell and taste. There's an old-school sort of profile that you get on certain well-aged, traditional bottlings that emphasizes weightier notes like leather, tobacco, walnuts, aged cheese, gamey meat, etc. If that doesn't sound appetizing to you, then don't worry, because you're almost certainly not going to find it in entry-level bottlings. The other side of the spectrum are cognacs that present tremendously fresh and fruity with orchard fruits (peaches and apples are big ones), floral qualities, and honey. These can be light and lovely.

You're probably more likely to get the latter sort of profile in the younger bottlings that will be on liquor store shelves consistently. I can't be much more specific, unfortunately, because unlike scotch, I simply don't have as much experience, especially with the huge brands. From what little experience I have comparing the very-available, cheaper stuff to some of the douche bottles I have, one of the differences that will be immediately apparent is most of the cheaper stuff is bottled at 40% (80 proof), and you feel it in a bad way. The palate tends to feel thinner, and the finish is much shorter and less potent.

It's annoying, because I can't say I'd recommend it if you're worried about not liking the bottle, because there's a decent chance you might dislike it. I have scotches I can recommend in basically all price ranges, so I feel inadequate here. Sorry, bro.
Just never got into liquor, beer and wine for sure I like. When I turned 21 I did the 21 shots in an hour thing 🤢 and since then I never had a taste for liquor
I had a similar aversion to rum for the longest time for basically identical reasons. It was the first liquor I ever got shitfaced on and puked up a bunch. Even smelling it was enough to set me off for years.

That being said, it was shitty rum, and enough time has passed that I really enjoy the good ones now. I bet you wouldn't have a similar reaction if you sought out good stuff now.
My 2020 budget was about $5k and it was all spent on thrift vodka and $10 wines. Strawberitas too.

Think I could keep the budget, slow it down, and get myself some really nice shit I suppose but I have a date with death. Cheers
I had a similar aversion to rum for the longest time for basically identical reasons. It was the first liquor I ever got shitfaced on and puked up a bunch. Even smelling it was enough to set me off for years.

That being said, it was shitty rum, and enough time has passed that I really enjoy the good ones now. I bet you wouldn't have a similar reaction if you sought out good stuff now.
Rum hurts my stomach - doesn’t matter how pricey it is it just ruins my gut.
I feel bad for you teachers. Not to the point I think you should be paid more but bad nonetheless.
After dealing with my kids and their virtual learning struggles I think teachers should be paid more. I want to pull my hair out on most days.
After dealing with my kids and their virtual learning struggles I think teachers should be paid more. I want to pull my hair out on most days.
I wouldn't want to pick up peoples trash either but doesn't mean I think they should be paid more.

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