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Club dub

I missed the whole thing!

BUT.......two separate posters told Rufus to fuck off in the RSS game thread when I went back to review. 🤣

He can be such a passive aggressive douche when it come to the men's basketball team.

Great to see a win!!
I finally just got done watching it. I already saw this thread so not quite as exciting as watching it real time but mother fucker that was nice to finally get a win.

Kids played really hard the last two games and starting to gel. Still need another shooter or two.
Unfortunate that Japanese Steph Curry isn't paying JUCO ball this year.
Didn't Green average like 87 pts/game in juco?

Just thinking this year off going to take him quite a while to get his stroke going.
Definitely won't help him. Probably will take him a while to get going. But his shot looks really sweet and hopefully he isn't doing anything in his time off to fuck up the mechanics.

Yeah. Green averaged a ton. So did Teddy. Don't know that we'd want Kesei to shoulder that amount of offense, but if he can just make open shots at a high rate and not get embarrassed on the other end of the floor, we should be ok.

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