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it’s time to nut up and demand that your ride or die fires some assistants. Nobody looks more like a fraud than you and Scott for demanding to play football this fall. Now we are the laughing stock of the country.
I don't see him firing anyone. Chinander's defense has improved. Lubick has only been here one year. Held, Austin, and Ruud are all Huskers. Dawson has done well with the outside linebackers and he is our connection to NJ. Coach T has done well with the DL and he is building the Hawaii pipeline. Fisher is our connection to Florida. Beckton is our connection to Georgia. Maybe the QB coach could get fired and I suppose that would appease the masses.

Obviously we could use quite a few upgrades, but I don't see it happening.

Our best bet is to hope to God that Betts and Manning start at WR next fall alongside Robinson. And we get a better RB.
Who would you like him to fire? It’s Scott’s shit play calling that kills them.
So Scott’s shit play calling is the reason why we have to have Wandale play running back to run the ball? His shit play calling is the reason Adrian is wildly inconsistent? His play calling is the reason Luke can’t throw the ball? Yes, Scott needs to hand off play calling duties. I like Held but, he hasn’t done a good job nor has Mario. Scott’s ego needs checked. I don’t buy the if frosty can’t get it turned around, no one can. Bullshit. He is in over his head and he needs help. He needs some people with experience. He needs people that know how to make adjustments.
So Scott’s shit play calling is the reason why we have to have Wandale play running back to run the ball? His shit play calling is the reason Adrian is wildly inconsistent? His play calling is the reason Luke can’t throw the ball? Yes, Scott needs to hand off play calling duties. I like Held but, he hasn’t done a good job nor has Mario. Scott’s ego needs checked. I don’t buy the if frosty can’t get it turned around, no one can. Bullshit. He is in over his head and he needs help. He needs some people with experience. He needs people that know how to make adjustments.
I think mills is decent when he gets a chance to get in a rhythm see last year. Yes recruiting sucks ass as well but firing an assistant isn’t gonna help that.
What I would like Frost to do:

1. Give playcalling duties to Lubick. I don't actually think this would make the playcalling better. I just think Frost has too much on his plate and needs to become more of a CEO.
2. Fire the QB coach.
3. Fire Austin. The OL was supposed to be the strength of the team. Their performance has been poor.
4. Fire Chinander. The defense has improved but it needs to get a lot better and it needs to happen fast. Pay the big $ to a DC who has a proven track record.
Not this year with Rona I’ll give him a pass. Next year if not obviously improved with a 4th year Qb then yes he needs to go
Fair enough. How do you fire a coach that was a legend at your school during his playing days? I do think at the end of next year it’ll be clear which direction we are going. If it isn’t already. Changes need to come. Unfortunately, I think we are more apt to see staff leave that we’d like to keep, than dismiss those that need processed out. We HAVE to make a bowl next year. (Of course we’ve said that for four seasons, now.)
Fair enough. How do you fire a coach that was a legend at your school during his playing days? I do think at the end of next year it’ll be clear which direction we are going. If it isn’t already. Changes need to come. Unfortunately, I think we are more apt to see staff leave that we’d like to keep, than dismiss those that need processed out. We HAVE to make a bowl next year. (Of course we’ve said that for four seasons, now.)
Granted Frank wasn’t a playing legend he was a coaching legend so-to-speak and he was canned. It happens. This is way worse than Frank.
it’s time to nut up and demand that your ride or die fires some assistants. Nobody looks more like a fraud than you and Scott for demanding to play football this fall. Now we are the laughing stock of the country.

Moos is completely out of touch with reality (I blame the drinking) if he doesn’t realize people are jumping off the Frost bandwagon in droves.
it’s time to nut up and demand that your ride or die fires some assistants. Nobody looks more like a fraud than you and Scott for demanding to play football this fall. Now we are the laughing stock of the country.
Nobody in the country is paying attention to laugh ..
Nobody in the country is paying attention to laugh ..
Yup. Aside from troll “journalists” like Forde looking for clicks nobody mentions Nebby anymore for good reason. It cracks me up to watch Nebby fans flip shit when they talk shit about us because you can see that’s why they do it.
@westernnehusker has certainly stormed onto the tPB scene this week with some haute takes.

I don't know enough about enough to really form opinions on position group coaches that are improving their folks versus wasting their talent. Probably most of you calling for these things don't either, but I respect the passion.

There is something (or many things) wrong at the west end of Vine Street, but I'm guessing most of you don't know what it is. I don't either.

A quick comment: I don't read much of the RSS these days, but there are some taters here, too, at least in my opinion.
@westernnehusker has certainly stormed onto the tPB scene this week with some haute takes.

I don't know enough about enough to really form opinions on position group coaches that are improving their folks versus wasting their talent. Probably most of you calling for these things don't either, but I respect the passion.

There is something (or many things) wrong at the west end of Vine Street, but I'm guessing most of you don't know what it is. I don't either.

A quick comment: I don't read much of the RSS these days, but there are some taters here, too, at least in my opinion.
Thanks, man. Mainly just pissed off at this sad, sorry ass excuse for a football team we have. Here’s something to ponder for thought...

Over the last six years, how many people with Oregon State or Washington State ties have worked in Nebraska Athletics? Who typically are the cellar dwellers in the PAC 12? Now it all makes sense as to why we suck even more, doesn’t it?
Thanks, man. Mainly just pissed off at this sad, sorry ass excuse for a football team we have. Here’s something to ponder for thought...

Over the last six years, how many people with Oregon State or Washington State ties have worked in Nebraska Athletics? Who typically are the cellar dwellers in the PAC 12? Now it all makes sense as to why we suck even more, doesn’t it?
Great point.

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