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MLPFC Shit Posting (2 Viewers)


Elite Member
We were pretty aggressive here getting corn going planting. Finished up today and will try and get some beans in the ground the next two days before hopefully our best shot of rain this spring. Still need to break the dry trend that’s been going on for us in the area. Haven’t had a large front with general rains in idk how long. Seems like any good rains we’ve had have still been spotty in the area.


Yells at Clouds
Elite Member
We were pretty aggressive here getting corn going planting. Finished up today and will try and get some beans in the ground the next two days before hopefully our best shot of rain this spring. Still need to break the dry trend that’s been going on for us in the area. Haven’t had a large front with general rains in idk how long. Seems like any good rains we’ve had have still been spotty in the area.
I hand dug and planted a new tree in my side yard 10 days ago. The ground all the way to the bottom of the new hole was powder dry. I REALLY need to be mindful of the new tree planting watering adage: water a new tree every day for a week, every week for a month, and every month for a year. Hope it makes it.

Fingers crossed for the right amount of rain for you and all the lads out doing the Lord's work farmin' and ranchin' out there.

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