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Breaking LeGrone not guilty

From the OWH...

Mallory Hughes, LeGrone’s attorney, argued that the men did not threaten the woman. Lincoln Police Sgt. David Lopez testified at a preliminary hearing that the woman never communicated that she felt pressured with LeGrone.
“You have to make your nonconsent known,” Hughes said. “You can’t have someone guess on what’s going on in the mind of someone they’re having sex with.”
Hughes said the woman decided after the fact that she did not like what happened.

“Hughes argued in her 12-page motion that the woman was not “too scared, uncomfortable or threatened” to ask Hunt for a condom and that just because Hunt and LeGrone are black and football players, that doesn’t mean they are threatening.
“Knowing that two separate men were having sex with her without any force or restraint, without threats, without weapons, the Accuser engaged in such sex without an iota of physical or verbal resistance,” Hughes wrote in the motion. “She shows she was not scared or threatened to verbalize her wishes because she asked for a condom — which was useful (not “useless”) because the co-Defendant immediately retrieved one upon request.”

Also.... wood on the lawyer
she didnt say no when Katerian and Andre switched & she knew. she loved it in the moment, orgasm after orgasm. When she woke up the next afternoon with 13 missed calls from Chad thats when she was filled again...

this time with regret.
What kind of weird shit are you people into
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Ok I am new to this kinda stuff but is this when we are supposed to Riot? Should I be smashing windows at Bed, Bath and Beyond and stealing Martha Stewart Bath Towels?
Ok I am new to this kinda stuff but is this when we are supposed to Riot? Should I be smashing windows at Bed, Bath and Beyond and stealing Martha Stewart Bath Towels?
I don't think you ever riot because those are businesses in your community that someone worked hard to build and peaceful protest is probably more likely go advance your cause.

But if you wanna go egg Jim's house with me, let's ride.
I don't think you ever riot because those are businesses in your community that someone worked hard to build and peaceful protest is probably more likely go advance your cause.

But if you wanna go egg Jim's house with me, let's ride.
Don't forget about my garden gnomes filled with tannerite.

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