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Breaking Kaidyn Helms top 10 released!

I'll preface this by saying everything is ultimately going to hinge on how this season goes. I can't remember a more obviously important season going into it than this one. Turn the corner and show real improvement? Recruiting will right itself, because this staff has already shown they're good recruiters. What we're seeing now is largely a consequence of Covid disproportionately screwing Nebraska (visits, etc.) and the losing catching up to the staff by removing most of the UCF/Oregon sheen. Put any of that sheen back on, and we're cooking with gas again. On other hand, continue to stagnate or even regress? The wheels will really fall off, and this in-state class will be the least of our worries.

All that being said, I maintain that what we're seeing is unprecedented in Nebraska history. We've been explicitly eliminated by three of the top four players, and the fourth is Micah Riley-Ducker who has already scheduled three officials to other schools and given no indication he's actually seriously considering DONU (plus he has the famously anti-Nebraska stepdad). Insane.
I'll preface this by saying everything is ultimately going to hinge on how this season goes. I can't remember a more obviously important season going into it than this one. Turn the corner and show real improvement? Recruiting will right itself, because this staff has already shown they're good recruiters. What we're seeing now is largely a consequence of Covid disproportionately screwing Nebraska (visits, etc.) and the losing catching up to the staff by removing most of the UCF/Oregon sheen. Put any of that sheen back on, and we're cooking with gas again. On other hand, continue to stagnate or even regress? The wheels will really fall off, and this in-state class will be the least of our worries.

All that being said, I maintain that what we're seeing is unprecedented in Nebraska history. We've been explicitly eliminated by three of the top four players, and the fourth is Micah Riley-Ducker who has already scheduled three officials to other schools and given no indication he's actually seriously considering DONU (plus he has the famously anti-Nebraska stepdad). Insane.
I think the fact we are 12-20 is being magnified by our in ability to develop in person relationships with these kids because of the pandemic.

I mean in a normal year these kids would've been on campus for last year's spring game, a couple games in the fall, junior day, spring practice, etc...

Need to win and build up relationships because Nebraska is cranking out talent.
I think the fact we are 12-20 is being magnified by our in ability to develop in person relationships with these kids because of the pandemic.

I mean in a normal year these kids would've been on campus for last year's spring game, a couple games in the fall, junior day, spring practice, etc...
Agreed. Having those kids around campus a bunch just casually really does help. Oh well, we'll hopefully do a lot better with '23.

I'll also say that I worry there is a deeper problem with how we're recruiting Omaha. Something that we're selling isn't working there.
Agreed. Having those kids around campus a bunch just casually really does help. Oh well, we'll hopefully do a lot better with '23.

I'll also say that I worry there is a deeper problem with how we're recruiting Omaha. Something that we're selling isn't working there.
Damon has hinted at this a ton.

I think we really need Betts to be successful.
Yup, and Damon's hints don't do much to hide that he thinks there's a racial element in play there.
Ya, I think they did something to help correct it with hiring that guy from Arizona as a babysitter.

But somebody said Woods didn't like the idea of coming here because he was the only black OL. Now his coach is black is what I said.

I know Jay also said on multiple occasions that you go to Lincoln and there is snow everywhere. In more ways than the stuff on the ground.

Also there was the incident last summer that involved racism that I never heard what it was exactly.

All I know is like it or not it is the environment we are in and you have to get ahead of it.

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