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Just some observations by The Yacht... (1 Viewer)


Poon Slayer
1 - Increasing the number of quality posters (like me) on the platinum board is of utmost importance. And while there have been many quality suggestions on how to grow our platinum membership in a positive way... I think I’ve identified a statistical anomaly of concern. It’s appears @mod_team has perm bant 17,065 posters in the last week. Now I’m not saying they didn’t deserve it, necessarily. Just might be something to look with regards to the number of active members...

2 - We need to enforce the rules more strictly. People are posting smut and negative comments about me and even some about @HuskerGarrett all over the place. It’s unacceptable! We need to ban as many of these assholes as possible. Thx @mod_team, doing a great job and stay tuned...


Elite Member
Your Mom's House
1 - Increasing the number of quality posters (like me) on the platinum board is of utmost importance. And while there have been many quality suggestions on how to grow our platinum membership in a positive way... I think I’ve identified a statistical anomaly of concern. It’s appears @mod_team has perm bant 17,065 posters in the last week. Now I’m not saying they didn’t deserve it, necessarily. Just might be something to look with regards to the number of active members...

2 - We need to enforce the rules more strictly. People are posting smut and negative comments about me and even some about @HuskerGarrett all over the place. It’s unacceptable! We need to ban as many of these assholes as possible. Thx @mod_team, doing a great job and stay tuned...
I'll work on banning more but less.

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