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JD Throwing Shade at Frost? (1 Viewer)

Pipe Line

Graduate Assistant
Elite Member
I love it when players lose all credibility after leaving a team and then re-surface on social media for some relevancy by talking shit on a former coach and school, cheers to maturity!

The hell is Mike Williams even doing now? Dropping hype videos on twitter of his 4 career catches in Lincoln?

Serious question, can anyone on here confirm or deny that rumor of JD organizing that cold weather practice boycott, I believe in 2019?


Running Back
Elite Member
Honestly this whole thing makes me laugh. The fact that the two of them feel the need to do this reflects more on them.

Spielman turned out to be a head case. Didn’t do much at his new school prior to getting injured. And Williams, what is he even doing now. Both need to grow up

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