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It’s Friday - Let’s Drink!

Anthony Anderson Reaction GIF
The lack of capability she has to make decisions just baffles me. So much so that I am an absolute prick about the fact the decisions are made to seem near impossible
The only important wedding decision is not running out of booze at the reception
The only important wedding decision is not running out of booze at the reception
When the only stipulation for the reception is a premium open bar, that shouldn’t be a problem. My fam parties... hers, not as much. But I told her we are all going to be getting sloppy, so unless she is willing to fuck immediately after the ceremony, it likely ain’t happening until the following morning. I’ve encouraged everyone to make the caterers rue the day they agreed to the up front pricing
The lack of capability she has to make decisions just baffles me. So much so that I am an absolute prick about the fact the decisions are made to seem near impossible
Sounds like my wife. She's made the decision before she asks me. If I don't have the same opinion as her then she calls 3 other people for their opinions.

If I say I don't care (because most of the time I really don't) then I don't care about anything. I am content with that but she isn't.
When the only stipulation for the reception is a premium open bar, that shouldn’t be a problem. My fam parties... hers, not as much. But I told her we are all going to be getting sloppy, so unless she is willing to fuck immediately after the ceremony, it likely ain’t happening until the following morning. I’ve encouraged everyone to make the caterers rue the day they agreed to the up front pricing
In lieu of making the beast with two backs on our wedding night, we walked to Jimmy John's downtown in Lincoln. Her cause she hadn't eaten cause people wouldn't leave her alone. Me because I drank too much to get wood and needed to sober up.
Hey dear I bought a dress with 114 buttons that you have to use a special hook to undo while you're hammered.

Yeah. I'm in the mood after that fucking game of operation.

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