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Have you had COVID?

Have you he covid?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 25 51.0%
  • I think I had/have it but it’s not been confirmed via test

    Votes: 17 34.7%

  • Total voters
First day back to work for me. 11-3 I started to feel crappy and went home around noon. By the end of the day I had a temp of 103.
Was bed ridden for a week and a half had a temp of 101-103. Stuck in bed all that time feeling weak and sweating like a whore in church most days.w bodyAches, headache and generally feeling shitty, wouldn't wish it on anyone.

It totally sucked. 43 and in reasonable good health. Mask up u animals!
I'm getting tested again tomorrow. Been exposed a few times at work, no masks up until last week, no real social distancing. Watched the game with a few buddies over the weekend, one of them started getting symptoms real bad Sunday night. Turns out he was exposed at the office last week. We work at the same company. He tested positive yesterday. I'm starting to feel like shit so it's likely that I have it and so does my family.

Our company is doing everything in their power to keep people in the office. We've probably had 150-200 people test positive at our offices in Lincoln. Last week they said we could voluntarily work from home, which really means 'you better not fucking take us up on this but we're offering it in case we get sued at some point.' I personally hate working from home and would much rather be in the office.

They offer testing a few times a week, again, to keep people in the office. If you want to take a sick day, you have to get a test, positive test means you can go home, negative test means you come into the office.
No offense but it doesn’t sound like your company is doing it’s part in flattening the curve.
My office mgr first experienced symptoms on Halloween afternoon. She’s been sicker than shit ever since. Out of the office since Nov. 2nd and MAYBE back by next Monday, the 23rd.

She’ll have <2 weeks to fit in 7 weeks worth of work regarding the Medicare Open Enrollment period and all the Part D shit she needs to do.

Good news is that I tested negative last week and haven’t been around her since Oct. 29th. Just screws up so many things just in my little old one-man investment/ life insurance shop.

This all sucks.....

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Our maintenance worker, 30 years old, just died after being on a ventilator for a week. Needless to say we all got sent home and it’s now mandatory that we go take a test. Hopefully my booze order comes from Anchorage before test results get back, just in case.
Our maintenance worker, 30 years old, just died after being on a ventilator for a week. Needless to say we all got sent home and it’s now mandatory that we go take a test. Hopefully my booze order comes from Anchorage before test results get back, just in case.
Sorry to hear about the maintenance guy. Dead at 30 yo. Sucks big time.....

Sorry to hear about the maintenance guy. Dead at 30 yo. Sucks big time.....

Yeah, I took it pretty hard yesterday. He was a great guy who left behind 3 kids. We cooked up a bunch of food for his wife and kids tonight. It’s not much but it’s something. He had family come in from the village and that’s how he got it. After that it was just bad luck.
Is she feeling ok?

I voted no but I also wouldn't be surprised if I have had it. With a 2 year old that goes to daycare I am basically sick nonstop
Can confirm daycares a pool of germs.

My favorite was the day I picked up both kids projectile vomiting. Later learned that the day care provider had a kid sick over the weekend and passed it to my two kids. I was fucking pissed.

Literally two kids projectile vomiting about every 10/15 mins for a couple hrs at its peek. Felt like I was on family guy
My office mgr first experienced symptoms on Halloween afternoon. She’s been sicker than shit ever since. Out of the office since Nov. 2nd and MAYBE back by next Monday, the 23rd.

She’ll have <2 weeks to fit in 7 weeks worth of work regarding the Medicare Open Enrollment period and all the Part D shit she needs to do.

Good news is that I tested negative last week and haven’t been around her since Oct. 29th. Just screws up so many things just in my little old one-man investment/ life insurance shop.

This all sucks.....

Get her some help you slave driver. Can't she work from home?
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Pretty sure I had it back in January.
My office mgr first experienced symptoms on Halloween afternoon. She’s been sicker than shit ever since. Out of the office since Nov. 2nd and MAYBE back by next Monday, the 23rd.

She’ll have <2 weeks to fit in 7 weeks worth of work regarding the Medicare Open Enrollment period and all the Part D shit she needs to do.

Good news is that I tested negative last week and haven’t been around her since Oct. 29th. Just screws up so many things just in my little old one-man investment/ life insurance shop.

This all sucks.....

That Part D shit SUCKS!!!! Good luck.
You are a hero
Thank you! I try to do my part. Looking at getting some face shields from local hospitals, but “facials” just aren’t the same with them. Been making the ladies wear glasses to protect them from contact with their eyes. I just hate how we are letting this virus change the things we do that bring us joy. 😢
I'm about 95% sure I had it. It went through our pharmacy about a month ago. First one of the pharmacists, then a couple techs and cashiers, then the owner. Then we had 2 techs and 2 cashiers refuse to come into work so it left about 4 of us to run the place for 2 1/2 weeks. We had to close the front doors and go drive-thru only. Then I started feeling like crap, no coughing or fever or anything, but lots of muscle aches, fatigue, and headaches. My other pharmacist lost his sense of taste and smell. It was a brutal 2 1/2 weeks working, not only very short handed, but feeling like crap too, but we had to if we wanted to stay in business. The boss was in the hospital for 2 weeks with blood clots in his lungs and almost died. Our reward for all of this is the day he got back to work he told us he sold the pharmacy.......
tested positive 10/28. Pretty mild symptoms besides loss of taste and smell. I couldnt taste anything for 7 days which was very annoying. Smoking weed helped a lot
Same. The taste thing had me very concerned when day 7 came along. On day 8 I started googling shit and read how some people lost their taste up to 3 months. Day 9 woke up and the first thing ate was bacon... Fuck yeah it was back! Besides taste the biggest ass kicker for this 39 year old was fatigue. Couldn't even fart without taking breaks or a nap in between.
I got sick in November after my friends daughter got sick in Seattle and then he got sick then i did then with the same symptoms as Covid

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