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Have you had COVID?

Have you he covid?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 14.3%
  • No

    Votes: 25 51.0%
  • I think I had/have it but it’s not been confirmed via test

    Votes: 17 34.7%

  • Total voters
Is she feeling ok?

I voted no but I also wouldn't be surprised if I have had it. With a 2 year old that goes to daycare I am basically sick nonstop

slight cough started last night. Tested this morning at work (health care) and was positive. I’ve had a stuffy nose but figured it was just allergies.
What’s the point of you getting tested?

If I don’t have it it’s better for me to do the parenting until she’s better. If I do have it it doesn’t much matter haha.

also won’t have to separate the house in two if I have it.
My wife and I are both providers at our small hospital/clinic/ER. We are getting tons of numbers lately so we are exposed early and often every day. So far so good. We hope to stay healthy because if not, our partners lose 2 providers for 10-14 days...
I have no idea if I have or not. But just for the sake of safety and the overall health of the community, I have been refusing to give or receive golden showers for months. I do still spit in people’s faces upon request, but make sure they’ve signed a waiver first.
I’ve also stopped sneakily removing condoms without consent... Pandemic life SUCKS!
I've had it. The wife has had it. My two sons have had it.

Since we all live under the same roof, we've all hit the antibody threshold together in the last 3 weeks. I don't know if that's a blessing or a curse, but since we didn't perish I'll say it's a blessing that nobody got too sick. Wife and I had the most severe symptoms.

My son who was born with a congenital heart defect, and has historically had viruses that have caused breathing issues, had the least serious symptoms - go figure. It's a weird virus, as I've had serious sinus pressure for the last 4-5 days even after finishing a steroid script.
I’d honestly just save your money if you get symptoms. Just assume you have it.

Testing is free in Nebraska. I wanted to know if I had the antibodies for peace of mind, so I tested when my symptoms were at their peak.
I have no idea if I have or not. But just for the sake of safety and the overall health of the community, I have been refusing to give or receive golden showers for months. I do still spit in people’s faces upon request, but make sure they’ve signed a waiver first.
I’ve also stopped sneakily removing condoms without consent... Pandemic life SUCKS!
You are a hero
I'm getting tested again tomorrow. Been exposed a few times at work, no masks up until last week, no real social distancing. Watched the game with a few buddies over the weekend, one of them started getting symptoms real bad Sunday night. Turns out he was exposed at the office last week. We work at the same company. He tested positive yesterday. I'm starting to feel like shit so it's likely that I have it and so does my family.

Our company is doing everything in their power to keep people in the office. We've probably had 150-200 people test positive at our offices in Lincoln. Last week they said we could voluntarily work from home, which really means 'you better not fucking take us up on this but we're offering it in case we get sued at some point.' I personally hate working from home and would much rather be in the office.

They offer testing a few times a week, again, to keep people in the office. If you want to take a sick day, you have to get a test, positive test means you can go home, negative test means you come into the office.
So being employed by the DOJ. I have to answer symptom questions every day going to work, which includes a temperature check. Here in NJ we went through the initial wave unscathed. However due to complacency and lack of discipline people are catching it more now at work than the first wave. If I have symptoms or have a temperature equal to 100* I am sent home and have to be tested. If negative, I can immediately return to work. If positive, I cannot return to work without a Dr or Physician note to my human resources, whom will verify it. We will be given 14 days administrative leave, basically free leave, but days absent in excess of 14 will be charged towards sick or annual leave. So, I'm hoping to stay clean.
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