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For those Cancelling RSS

We need a running, possibly pinned thread, where we copy and past all of the articles from RSS. Yes, deab is thin skinned and let’s Matya plow his wife, but they do have some information that TPB members, who’ve cancelled RSS, might find valuable.

And fwiw I have zero moral or ethical conflict with stealing their articles and posting them here.
Terrible idea, plus the articles from RSS are trash. There's not much you can't find elsewhere and often earlier from other sources. Not worth the risk of Dean going scorched Earth on this place.
Terrible idea, plus the articles from RSS are trash. There's not much you can't find elsewhere and often earlier from other sources. Not worth the risk of Dean going scorched Earth on this place.

I’m not gonna lose sleep over the idea either way, but I really can’t think of anything dean can do about it.

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