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For those Cancelling RSS


Elite Member
For those of you interested in cancelling RSS here's a screenshot of the page you need to get to. & a step by step, easier than Matya's way of cancelling.

1.Click one of the yahoo links like "contact us" way at the bottom of the webpage

2. Click on your username up top, it will drop down & click your username again

3. A page with subscriptions as an option will come up. Click subscriptions & you'll see the screen I've attached.

4. This is the easy way & You're welcome!


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I cancelled last week. I am all N on TPB
I'm getting closer & closer , I'm going to watch the season and see how it goes cuz my dam membership renews in August anyway & I doubt they do refunds & depending on the value I see in it this year I may totally commit to the platinum board next year when my subscription ends. All the good posters are making their way over here anyway...
Curious, if you have a yearly that just renewed three months ago, will it cancel my sub at the end of the yearly or will it do it immediately?
Good question, if someone does this fill us in! I'd like to know the answer. I figured it wouldn't refund it & it would just end the next time renewal comes up..... but I didn't cancel at least yet so don't know for sure.
Curious, if you have a yearly that just renewed three months ago, will it cancel my sub at the end of the yearly or will it do it immediately?
I was on the monthly plan, and it ran through the end of my last month. So I am assuming it would be the same. They will also offer you a few months for free but I said no
Can we please not get a run of idiots over here tho? As much as I want to see Dean cry over the mass exodus I dont want to see this place become Tater farm #2
I hear ya, but the advantage of this place is that you can call any taters you encounter “dumb motherfuckers” or any other expletive of your choice.

To be clear though, I don’t want any Rovers, Hardlyboys or black helmets over here either.
For those of you interested in cancelling RSS here's a screenshot of the page you need to get to. & a step by step, easier than Matya's way of cancelling.

1.Click one of the yahoo links like "contact us" way at the bottom of the webpage

2. Click on your username up top, it will drop down & click your username again

3. A page with subscriptions as an option will come up. Click subscriptions & you'll see the screen I've attached.

4. This is the easy way & You're welcome!
Doing it this week.
Can we please not get a run of idiots over here tho? As much as I want to see Dean cry over the mass exodus I dont want to see this place become Tater farm #2

As TPB grows, so will the tater numbers. It's inevitable that the bad will come along with the good.; so let's fucking enjoy it while we can. 😆

You can't make potato chips out of taters......or can you?

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