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Colorado Game

From LPD saying they will not respond to fireworks calls that weekend, to the buzz around the team...Lincoln is gonna be fucking buzzing hard from Thursday Night thru Sunday morning. The state wants blood from 8 toes, and hopefully the atmosphere resembles the 92 CU Halloween game. You could hear the stadium at my uncles house on 60th and Huntington that night. Was glorious
That was an awesome game. Top 5 for me, for sure.
I'm going down without a ticket and plan on tailgating all day. I'll probably head down there around 10 or 11. If I find a scalper before kickoff I'll probably buy a ticket, unless prices are outrageous. If they lose to NDSU next week ticket prices will plummet.

I'm not one to talk shit to opposing fans unless they start it, but I was in Boulder for the game in 2019 and after the harassment we received as soon as the game was over I give zero fucks.
My father in law doesn't think so, but any chance anyone thinks Gameday will be in Lincoln, assuming they beat NDSU?
All I know is my flight from Denver lands in Omaha at 12:30PM Saturday and my flight back to Denver leaves at 615AM Sunday morning - i may get 1 hour of sleep and everything in between my flights is gonna be a blur
You're gonna want some of this. I know from being an aggressive travel planner myself.

Will never forgive my buddy for scheduling a wedding that weekend
I went to school in the northeast so most of my friends don't care much about CFB and got married on fall Saturdays. Fortunately most of the weddings were during the Riley years.
I went to school in the northeast so most of my friends don't care much about CFB and got married on fall Saturdays. Fortunately most of the weddings were during the Riley years.
Yeah, I got two weddings this year (both East Coasters). One of them is on a Sunday, but going to be fun trying to convince the wife to devote a Saturday to CFB when we're in NYC. Of course it's over the October 12 weekend, which is maybe the best football Saturday this year.
The bad Colorado fans don't travel. The fans that do travel aren't going to do stupid stuff unless induced into it and that just isn't how Nebraska fans act.

Folsom field is full of bandwagon idiots that are there looking for trouble more than rooting for their team, there is a reason their stadium is named after Folsom Prison.
Is this really true @HuskerGarrett

Juuuust kidding.
Yeah, I got two weddings this year (both East Coasters). One of them is on a Sunday, but going to be fun trying to convince the wife to devote a Saturday to CFB when we're in NYC. Of course it's over the October 12 weekend, which is maybe the best football Saturday this year.
Well if it makes you feel better I’ll be on a plane flying home from India that Saturday
So how long can I expect to be stuck in traffic if I take an Uber from Omaha to Lincoln around 1:30pm?

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