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Editorial Child Abuse


Elite Member
It’s hard to write this one.

Last week my 4 yr old Son became the victim of child abuse at his daycare in Elkhorn. That evening after being home for a while the wife felt his head and he had an extremely large bump (I’d say 3 times a normal bump) on the back of his head.

When asked he said “My teacher throwed me into my cubby”. We took him to urgent care and then returned home. Pretty soon OPD showed up and then deputies, followed by CSI. Before all of this the girl had been fired for not reporting an injury at work which broke policy. She also tried covering it up by saying he hit his head on the playground (he didn’t) and then by saying he tripped while trying to get away from her.

After finding video evidence it was seen that he rolled off his sleeping mat and she then rolled him over and slammed him back onto it, he then rolled again and she grabbed him by the ankle and drug him across the room throwing him on the mat and then finally he rolled again and this time she picked him up by the blanket he was in and angrily carried him out of view of the camera and then enetered seconds later. This is where she threw him into the cubby and caused the head injury.

Apparently bc they can not prove intent they are giving her a misdemeanor citation. Our justice system is a joke. There’s even a statute that would allow them to hit her with a felony but after I found that and talked to the investigator about it he said “the prosecutors office tells us not to use that one. I’ve never seen that one used”….wtf

Today my son said his head really hurt, started crying and asked us “what’s wrong with me?” And was nauseous. The wife took him to the ER where he puked when he got inside. After 6 hours of sitting at children’s a CT revealed some inflammation and a concussion.

As a father I couldn’t feel more helpless knowing my Son endured this at a place I took him to be safely cared for and watching that video hurt me more than I could have imagined. I hope we all can do more to protect kids from ever going through this and I know there are much worse outcomes.
Fuck people who hurt kids. They can go to hell thinking they’re real tough.
Damn, I would come unhinged. But yes, the justice system is often terrible.

My wife worked in CPS and so many times they wouldn't do anything about child abuse, especially verbal but also physical.

My daughter actually referred to her a 17 year old friend that had choking marks on her neck (photos) and an audio recording that was over an hour long in a car ride where this woman was absolutely berating her and telling her she's trash and how much of a burden she is and how horrible the mother's life is because of this girl. In that recording she admits to choking her and blamed it on the kid for not listening to the mom and said it was all her fault.

Sent it to the police and they said, "Doesn't meet definition of abuse". WTF. The person then said, "Well she's 17 so hopefully she'll be out of the house soon, but in the meantime we could recommend some classes if she'd be willing to take them".

I was floored, my wife was like, "Yeah I figured". I told her I have no idea how you do this job.

As for the OP, I'm sorry man. At least SOME action is happening but CLEARLY not enough. What a joke.
Sorry to hear that happened. Any chance of a civil suit? It might be worth running it by a lawyer. If the criminal Court won't take them on, maybe they can be wrecked financially with a civil case.

Also, see if you can get media attention for it. Maybe a local station can put a spotlight on the person.
It’s hard to write this one.

Last week my 4 yr old Son became the victim of child abuse at his daycare in Elkhorn. That evening after being home for a while the wife felt his head and he had an extremely large bump (I’d say 3 times a normal bump) on the back of his head.

When asked he said “My teacher throwed me into my cubby”. We took him to urgent care and then returned home. Pretty soon OPD showed up and then deputies, followed by CSI. Before all of this the girl had been fired for not reporting an injury at work which broke policy. She also tried covering it up by saying he hit his head on the playground (he didn’t) and then by saying he tripped while trying to get away from her.

After finding video evidence it was seen that he rolled off his sleeping mat and she then rolled him over and slammed him back onto it, he then rolled again and she grabbed him by the ankle and drug him across the room throwing him on the mat and then finally he rolled again and this time she picked him up by the blanket he was in and angrily carried him out of view of the camera and then enetered seconds later. This is where she threw him into the cubby and caused the head injury.

Apparently bc they can not prove intent they are giving her a misdemeanor citation. Our justice system is a joke. There’s even a statute that would allow them to hit her with a felony but after I found that and talked to the investigator about it he said “the prosecutors office tells us not to use that one. I’ve never seen that one used”….wtf

Today my son said his head really hurt, started crying and asked us “what’s wrong with me?” And was nauseous. The wife took him to the ER where he puked when he got inside. After 6 hours of sitting at children’s a CT revealed some inflammation and a concussion.

As a father I couldn’t feel more helpless knowing my Son endured this at a place I took him to be safely cared for and watching that video hurt me more than I could have imagined. I hope we all can do more to protect kids from ever going through this and I know there are much worse outcomes.
Fuck people who hurt kids. They can go to hell thinking they’re real tough.
Any lawyers on tPB want to do God's work here?

Any "journalists" want to redeem your profession?
Damn, I would come unhinged. But yes, the justice system is often terrible.

My wife worked in CPS and so many times they wouldn't do anything about child abuse, especially verbal but also physical.

My daughter actually referred to her a 17 year old friend that had choking marks on her neck (photos) and an audio recording that was over an hour long in a car ride where this woman was absolutely berating her and telling her she's trash and how much of a burden she is and how horrible the mother's life is because of this girl. In that recording she admits to choking her and blamed it on the kid for not listening to the mom and said it was all her fault.

Sent it to the police and they said, "Doesn't meet definition of abuse". WTF. The person then said, "Well she's 17 so hopefully she'll be out of the house soon, but in the meantime we could recommend some classes if she'd be willing to take them".

I was floored, my wife was like, "Yeah I figured". I told her I have no idea how you do this job.

As for the OP, I'm sorry man. At least SOME action is happening but CLEARLY not enough. What a joke.
That’s terrible for that girl. It’s hard to understand that this is how the system treats children.
Man that’s awful, sorry it happened and you had to see it.

Sounds like we need to coordinate a tPB wife posse and fuck this bitch up.
This is one hard post to read….. I’m so sorry you have to deal with this I can’t imagine the feeling of helplessness you and your wife are having right now. As an EMT I’ve seen first hand what you mean about CPS being a joke. Especially in cases like this where it looks like they SHOULD have enough evidence to at least charge the lady.
IDK if you can do this yet or need to wait until the court stuff is done, but for sure post her name when you're able. At the very least she needs to have her reputation ruined so she can never work around a kid again.

That must be an awful feeling, thoughts and prayers for you and your little man. Kid sounds like a tough little dude.
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It’s hard to write this one.

Last week my 4 yr old Son became the victim of child abuse at his daycare in Elkhorn. That evening after being home for a while the wife felt his head and he had an extremely large bump (I’d say 3 times a normal bump) on the back of his head.

When asked he said “My teacher throwed me into my cubby”. We took him to urgent care and then returned home. Pretty soon OPD showed up and then deputies, followed by CSI. Before all of this the girl had been fired for not reporting an injury at work which broke policy. She also tried covering it up by saying he hit his head on the playground (he didn’t) and then by saying he tripped while trying to get away from her.

After finding video evidence it was seen that he rolled off his sleeping mat and she then rolled him over and slammed him back onto it, he then rolled again and she grabbed him by the ankle and drug him across the room throwing him on the mat and then finally he rolled again and this time she picked him up by the blanket he was in and angrily carried him out of view of the camera and then enetered seconds later. This is where she threw him into the cubby and caused the head injury.

Apparently bc they can not prove intent they are giving her a misdemeanor citation. Our justice system is a joke. There’s even a statute that would allow them to hit her with a felony but after I found that and talked to the investigator about it he said “the prosecutors office tells us not to use that one. I’ve never seen that one used”….wtf

Today my son said his head really hurt, started crying and asked us “what’s wrong with me?” And was nauseous. The wife took him to the ER where he puked when he got inside. After 6 hours of sitting at children’s a CT revealed some inflammation and a concussion.

As a father I couldn’t feel more helpless knowing my Son endured this at a place I took him to be safely cared for and watching that video hurt me more than I could have imagined. I hope we all can do more to protect kids from ever going through this and I know there are much worse outcomes.
Fuck people who hurt kids. They can go to hell thinking they’re real tough.
This hurts to read and hope all is okay, our three month old just started daycare and it’s my worst nightmare, people like that can fuck right off
@Huskerbuck85 i have a buddy of mine Im talking to right now that lives in Elkhorn and he had his kid at Rosewood when they had trouble (I’m not sure what happened but he hasn’t told me) he’s wondering what daycare it was. I’m not sure where he’s going with it but there was a parent group of his that talked to senators about law changes within the DHHS.
Sorry that happened OP, I couldn’t even imagine what I’d do if someone hurt my kids.

These stories of police and CPS are wild to me. Couple years ago my then 8 month old daughter fell off the couch. We noticed her not putting weight on that arm when crawling so took her to children’s. The ER doc said not only did she have a broken arm but had multiple other healed fractures.

Next day CPS and Douglas county sheriff investigator is knocking on our door, which I don’t blame them. What I do blame them for is a couple days later she sees an actual child bone doctor who says not only is her arm not even broken, all the other healed fractures are not fractures at all but rather normal bone development for a child her age.

Case closed right? Nope CPS and DCS continue their investigation for a month or so. We even had to meet with abuse case workers at children’s. A month later the investigation is over and we don’t even get an apology or anything from CPS. Seemed like the lady was actual upset that my daughter didn’t actually have any injuries.
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This is one hard post to read….. I’m so sorry you have to deal with this I can’t imagine the feeling of helplessness you and your wife are having right now. As an EMT I’ve seen first hand what you mean about CPS being a joke. Especially in cases like this where it looks like they SHOULD have enough evidence to at least charge the lady.
She’ll be cited with a misdemeanor for unintentional child abuse. After finding today that he has a concussion that could go up to a felony. One could only hope but I don’t have much faith in the system.

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