For those who don't have the time/interest to listen:
-Starts off talking about their dinner together the previous night, Bo says Will pulled the old "I got the check, oh wait..." move.
-2009 Big 12 Championship Game - "It was a crock." Compton asks if he thinks the move to the Big Ten made the Big 12 say "we can't let these motherf*ckers win" and Bo says "without question." He said he heard later on, whether it was true or not, that the replay officials weren't even the ones who actually hit the review button, it was some official from the Big 12.
-"Bo always had the most biblical press conferences" - Compton
-Bo claims that the media didn't like how he took the blame for everything, they wanted him to single out players more often and he refused. "They want you to fill in the blanks for them because they already have their stories written. They want you to point people out, and you know me, I wasn't going to go down that road."
-Compton talks about how much the 90s talk infiltrated the team. "Now the way we won 9-10 games a year, that sounds pretty nice compared to what's going on with Nebraska now. But at the time we were playing, it was always 'you need to bring in people from the 90s culture, you need to figure out how to be Nebraska and bring Nebraska back to the 90s, to the glory days.'"
-Bo on comparing eras - "The whole groundwork has changed. The population has shifted, recruiting is different. Back in the 80s, 90s, maybe even early 2000s only a couple people were on tv every week. You knew Nebraska was gonna be on, Oklahoma, there were gonna be certain teams on tv. Now you gotta compete in recruiting against South Florida, Central Florida, because everyone's on tv. So a kid doesn't have to get on a plane and fly 3 hours to go play on tv, he knows he's gonna play on tv every week. It totally changes the recruiting landscape."
-Bo says the teams who are at the top every year are the teams with the strongest recruiting bases. "The ones who are there every year, they can recruit in a car."
-Coaching through a pandemic was crazy. Bo thought LSU and the SEC managed the pandemic part of it well, but it was trying to make the best of a bad situation. Lots of new players, trying to put in a new defense over Zoom without having access to your guys. "We kind of finished the year pretty good, but it was a whole new team and it just didn't work out. It's as simple as that. I think there's a lot of reasons, but you know me I'm not the kind of guy to make excuses. We didn't get it done, that's the way the business works."
-"Focus on the process, compete everyday" - Compton says that was Bo's favorite quote, and Bo says it's something he's taken with him ever since starting coaching. "Everybody wants things to happen, you gotta want to do the things that make those things happen."
-Bo tries to grill Compton about the quote that he always put at the bottom of his Friday night meeting handouts, Compton can't remember it.
Compton: "Hey I'm on the f*cking spot right now!"
Bo asks genuinely: "I spent a lot of time writing those things! Did you like those? The thought sheets that we did that I talked about every Friday night, like the stories?"
Compton: "You didn't have a lot of thought sheets, Carl would be up there talking to us about some war book that he was reading!"
-Cohost asks Compton what he thinks Bo could've done better at Nebraska
Bo: "Be careful now big boy..."
Compton: "If I can speak candidly, I think when we were in the big moments and Bo would get pissed off... Bo was our leader. Bo's the guy where you knew when he was talking to the media... it felt like our backs were against the nation of Nebraska basically. Like it was us vs. them. You vs. the fans. Bo was like the head of all of it, so any time we had a team meeting when everyone was chirping outside the walls, outside the building, you knew you were gonna go into a team meeting and hear some juice from Bo. He's gonna give us something, he's gonna get our heads right, we're all gonna be good.
And when you get in tough parts of the game, and Bo - from stories I hear, blacks out and doesn't necessarily remember how much he gets after people - but when Bo gets f*ckin pissed off and you feel like shit's hitting the fan, and you feel like you're letting everybody down, I feel like that festers into a young kid's psyche. And then you play more to not mess up, instead of needing somebody that's like 'hey it's all gonna be f*ckin good.'"
Bo: "Don't play to not make a mistake, go play to win, yeah."
Compton: "I feel like a lot of times when I noticed it, watching from afar, was probably the Wisconsin game when you guys were up 17-3 at the time, and Melvin Gordon jumps over Corey Cooper and goes to the endzone, and you see you just goin in. And I'm thinking from my stance, 'these dudes are up 17-10 going into halftime against a team that's always had our number every year, we're in it. There doesn't need to be any red-ass spread around, it's more of a corral thing. That's a moment where I felt like, you remember certain things like that."
Bo: "Oh yeah I agree. I think about that all the time. I always felt like at Nebraska the kids had so much pressure on them, and sometimes obviously my personality added to that maybe. Sometimes you want to win so bad, that all of a sudden... something bad would happen and it was like, it just compounded itself. All of a sudden some certain guys would just totally lose it. We used to sit and talk about that in meetings a lot, part of it was, ok yeah I gotta be better in that situation understanding what these kids are going through."
Compton: "Yeah, you always wanted to be a player out there playing the game."
Bo: "Yeah, too much sometimes."
-Cohost (who played at Michigan) talks about how nice Nebraska fans were when he played in Lincoln. Bo jokes "They were nice to you because they saved all their hostility for me!"
-Cohost: "Do you think there will ever be a time when you end up back at Nebraska?"
Bo: "No, I'll never end up back at Nebraska"
Cohost: "Even if they call and say 'hey we f*cked up"
Bo: "They wouldn't. That would never happen."
Bo goes on to say it was more than just just a bad breakup, the AD and chancellor at the time had gotten the media onboard and the media would never admit to being wrong.
-Compton thought there was a disconnect going from Tom Osborne to Sean Eichorst, and that someone should have told Eichorst not to mess with the culture that had been set up by Osborne and in the football program. Bo says the university didn't treat Osborne well at the end and kind of forced him out.
-Bo: "Tom came back, kind of saved the program when he came back as the AD, and then all of a sudden... Tom would never say this, but Tom earned the right to pick his successor, and to safeguard the tradition and all the things that went on, and that didn't happen. And here we are, they're fighting to get back."
-Bo says he had almost no relationship at all with Eichorst the entire time he was there. "At that point you kinda know, this isn't gonna be a longterm thing... He was just kinda standoffish, that was his style I guess. He didn't interact with a lot of people, especially the coaches. I don't know how much he interacted with the underlings, the assistant ADs, he had a different style."
-Bo: "Especially at a place like Nebraska, it's about relationships. When you don't have relationships, I mean, heck my last year there I think at one point we were 7-0 and I'm answering questions about my job security. I'm like... 'life's too short for this.'"
-"I see some of these coaches and schools, guys win 5 games and they get a contract extension. I said 'heck, they would've been burning crosses in my yard if I won 5 games!'" (genuinely not sure if this is a veiled shot at Frost or not, didn't really seem like it honestly, but sad that it could be)
-Compton asks if Bo was referring to people not liking Tom Osborne, it's hard to imagine anyone in Nebraska not liking Tom Osborne.
Bo: "I don't know how you could not like Tom, I think there were some people there, some people who were decision-makers who were jealous of him. Tom was kind of seen as bringing the program back, bringing tradition back, and people want their credit. For whatever reason, human nature comes in and there's jealousy involved."
-Compton brings up the "If they wanna fire me, they can fire me" press conference. Bo legitimately can't remember the specifics. Compton asks if he remembers which press conference he's talking about and Bo laughs and says "it could've been one of a few!"
-Compton says Bo helped guys because they would get death threats, peoples' families would get trashed. Mentioned Niles Paul's family getting stuff thrown at them after the infamous 09 ISU game. Players always felt that Bo and the coaches had their best interests at heart.
Compton: "You can talk about us not winning certain games for whatever reason, or talk about what we could have done better, everyone knows they could get better at something, but overall everyone has reaped the benefit from all your mantras that we mess around with. Dobson always preached "attitude and effort," Bo's always preaching "focus on the process, compete every day," and as much as we joke about it, I'm not in this chair without all that stuff, and without all those tough teachings."
-Compton says Bo was relentless in keeping tabs on players going to class, and "had a rapport with god damn felt like every single teacher." Bo himself would go around campus checking on classes.
-Compton says when Bo first got there, he "shut down O Street" while trying to rebuild the culture, especially the Brass Rail. Bo heard players were hanging around the Rail too often so he went there himself. "Luckily there were no players there that night, but the people there could not believe I was in there. Demorrio Williams was in there, so I walked in, I saw him, I was in there to see if any players were in there but it kind of gave me an excuse to say hi to Demorrio. Took a look around, saw no one was in there and walked out. By the next morning at lifting, EVERYONE knew that I was in there."
-Funny Twitter stories - Twitter was just catching on at the time, Bo let the team have Twitter but everyone was putting the stupidest things out there for the world to see so he said "No, it's over, you're done." Compton says he was leading the charge for the team to keep Twitter, Bo was allowing them to keep it as long as they weren't talking about the team or making fools out of themselves.
Compton sees a missed call from Bo when he wakes up one morning and has to go into his office - "I'm sweating telling this story" - Bo picks up a sheet of paper that came across his desk in the morning and it's one of Compton's tweets with the quote "Lambourghini mercy/Your chick she's so thirsty/I'm in my two seat Lambo/Your girl she's tryin to jerk me"
Bo reads it off to Compton, looks up and says "What the f*ck am I supposed to do with that?"
Compton tries to explain they're just Jay-Z lyrics and Bo says "Not everybody knows that..."
-Compton's recruitment - Bo gives him shit saying "He LOVED recruiting, oh yeah he decommitted probably 26 times. He loved it, he wanted to be loved, he wanted to talk on the phone all the time. I would hang up the phone with him and I would look at my wife and say 'I hope he goes somewhere else!'"
Bo won over Compton's mom by taking her to church.
Guys would announce their plans to have their lavish announcement ceremonies and Bo would ask around in staff meetings "No offense, pardon my French... but is this guy a douche?"
-One of Bo's craziest recruiting stories was visiting a player in Texas and talking to the player's mom in one room while the player's uncles were in another room watching porn together!? The mom told Bo to just ignore them... Bo doesn't think he continued recruiting the player after the visit.