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Big Red Overreaction - Colorado (1 Viewer)


Big Ten referee
I called it early. Truly the worst calls of all time. Ideally calls if they're stupid or not insightful at least would be funny. These had no redeeming value, much like our football team today. GBR.

[Rhule says Purdy was injured about 10 days ago and not fully healthy. Also said Buschini was hurt, thanks @Dr.DrakeRamoray ]

Scott: Our offense is completely inept. Matt Rhule is Scott Frost 2.0 committed to Adrian Martinez. [advocates intentionally breaking legs/knees of Colorado players]

Nick: can't get over Jeff Sims. It's on Rhule, he hand picked the guy. What did he show at GT that he's not showing right now. He's awful. Not calling for the backups to play because backups are no good either. Rhule ran off Casey, Casey isn't some All-American but way better than Sims. Rhule is a great PR coach but we look terrible. We're paying this guy 3x more than Colorado is paying Deion. Going to be a long year.

Ryan: Am I on? I'm sitting here with my new coozie. Thank God for pork belly and beer because I wouldn't be having a good time without burnt ends and beer. Jeff Sims has got to go. It took Haarburg two drives to score.

Someone who tweeted in: Jeff Sims will put it together. The sky is not falling, three year rebuild.

Scott #2: Defense played really well. I really liked how they attacked and tackled. Offense let them down so many times. As far as Jeff Sims, you can't make those mistakes as a D1 QB. He's shown no difference from Georgia Tech. He leads the Big Ten in turnovers right now, what does that tell you? That's his M.O. You expect that to change? He's staring down receivers, he's fumbling snaps. You have to reconfigure your offense. I feel sorry he got hurt but at the same time he's shown what he can do. Our defense played superb. What else can you do. We sacked [Shadeur] 5 times. What can we do? We have to lean on our offense a little bit. That's where it sits on [Coach Rhule].

Someone who tweeted in: There's a difference between turnover prone and whatever the hell Sims is doing.

[Hosts: Nebraska has to get away from trying to have an athlete play quarterback]

Alex: [clearly foreign] We do not play well, it's very terrible. We need to get the NIL money to get the best players.

Jason: Defense played their tails off. Offense, do not get in shotgun if you're playing Sims. Gonna be a long year if you're going to average 12 points per game.

[Hosts: Veteran guys are not doing their job on offense]

Lee: I read during the game that people were basically giving up on Rhule. It ceases to amaze me that people want to give up on a coach after one offseason and two games. People say we should have kept Casey but Casey through a lot of ducks and had a lot of fumbles [tater]. I'd hate to be a coach having to pick between the best of three turds.

[Teddy P. has 15 more penalty yards than plays this year]

Cody: After about 20 years of inadequate football, how long does it take until Turd Alberts cuts this program? UNO wrestling was the national champion. If the sellout streak goes away does he just cut this program?

Dave: I'm a 6 am to 6 pm listener Monday through Friday. I'm disappointed in Sims to say the least. We just can't have that many TO's. It's impossible to me. I had hope all the way until the 3rd quarter. In my opinion, Sims has cost us both of these games with his turnovers. I feel sorry for him but he's going to have to improve. I've been a fan for over 45 years, just want to see things improve moving forward.

[Hosts: offense didn't help the defense much today. The dam broke]

Todd: the show is called big red overreaction but the reactions are called ridiculous and over the top

Carl from Tampa: Florida is a wonderful place to be. I got 3 generations who have attended NU. Die hard NU fan for many of my 60 years. All that to say, I'm realistic about NU football. We aren't the 90s machine that we were or the 80s scoring explosion. What we are now is a team that needs to find a foundation. We need to find a QB that can pass the ball. Casey Thompson walked away. He left. We have to deal with what we have left. We brought in Sims and what you see in practice isn't what you see in games. Regarding the fan base, I predicted the score would be 38-17 Colorado. That's a realistic assessment of what I see and I was off by, what, one point? You can't expect this team to all the sudden do the Deion Sanders thing. [kill me now] You say Frost is playing with Rileys players for five years and now you want Rhule fired for playing with Frost's players for two games? Fan base is delusional. Be realistic and patient or don't be a fan.

Nathan from Fort Worth: The overall game came down to QB play. The turnovers are just killing us. 3rd down efficiency is not very good. After 2 weeks, coaching staff has to look at Jeff Sims and ask "is he the QB"? He's going to give you 2 turnovers a game - are you OK with that? [2 is putting it lightly!]. QB play is anemic at key spots in the game. Kills anything you have going.

Blake via email: Rhule is holding players like Grant accountable for turnovers but doesn't do the same with Sims. [Fact check: True]

Drew: [good afternoon Drew, we can hear you] *hangs up*

Bryan: I agree Nebraska fans have become soft. It reminds me of a 30 year old guy who doesn't know where his wife has gone, wife gained weight and he's off chasing the babysitter. In a couple years when Deion leaves and his son goes to the NFL, Rhule will still be here working hard. We need patience. We fired a Husker legend. We have an interim coach who assaults his wife. Let's play some football. Don't turn your back on this team otherwise you're not much of a fan. [kill me now]

[The calls are so bad guys, not sure I can keep doing this. Can one of you please call in with a decent take? 402-951-1620]

Hosts: We have to talk about Mr. Buschini. My keys to the game...Get to Shadeur Sanders - they did that. Limit possessions - they did that. Protect the ball - they did not do that. They now have 8 turnovers through 8 quarters of football.

Chucko: We need to run it between the tackles more. Sims needs to run the ball more. We need less water breaks at practice. Coach Prime needs to replace the cowboy hat with a headset as soon as the clock strikes 0. [one of the worst calls of all time]

John: I'm old enough but still young enough that a loss like this makes me despondent. We have no dudes on the team. No one who steps up at a critical moment and makes a key play. Hopefully Rhule can recruit some guys who can do that. Before you shoot the gun you have to take it out of the holster.

[If these calls don't get better - or at least funnier - soon I'm going to call it]

Hosts: doesn't matter who has the cool new office in north stadium, it's the same issue with turnovers. At least make sure it doesn't look like every year from the last 7-10 years.

Adam via text: I think coaches outside of Satterfield are really good. Disappointed with staff for going with Sims who had a proven bad track record.

Hosts: Deion says that Rhule said some things but wants to walk them back now. Says he has receipts.

Tweets: Al says Colorado didn't have dudes last year. Coaches recruit and coach up players to become dudes.

Mark: Out camping, beautiful day out. We all know there is a problem at QB. Next week, Sims turns the ball over twice in the first half. Do you put him in for the 2nd half?

Tim: *hangs up*

Mitchell: honestly, watching the game from start to finish defense is not to blame here. Biggest disappointment was Sims. Bring him in from GT and don't build a gameplay around him. Why not use RPOs, screens, outs? Instead just keep making him do things outside his nature so he never gets comfortable. Never made adjustments to make him comfortable.

Jim: Greetings from Denver. Do you think they're going to trot out Sims for the next game? ... What about
Fidone, why didn't he make any plays? ... Are we going to ride Sims all season? That Northern Illinois game is not going to be easy for us at all. Keep riding with Sims, it's going to drive me crazy.

Rudolph from Facebook: Are you guys paid by the university or what? Every time we say replace Sims you guys try to talk us out of it.

Bryan: Josh you made fun of Colorado all offseason and I just cringe. I've got a receipt that you made fun of Colorado and you did too, Gary. Idk why we think we are so great. We are not a good team. We gotta get better as a fanbase.
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