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2021 Raptor

@LoudHogRider this is what you need

I did that same trail a few weeks ago, roughly 10 MPH faster and with a more comfortable ride, in my 2013 Subaru Outback that cost 24K.

At the same time, I don't have apple or android integration, so maybe I lose?
I did that same trail a few weeks ago, roughly 10 MPH faster and with a more comfortable ride, in my 2013 Subaru Outback that cost 24K.

At the same time, I don't have apple or android integration, so maybe I lose?
My Dad had a 2014 Outback and was in a pretty serious wreck last summer (the end of his driving days). Dad pulled out onto Hwy 75 and didn't see the oncoming vehicle as it was "hidden" from his field of view by a truck that was turning and he got t-boned at 65 mph, striking just behind the driver's side door. It totaled the Outback and the vehicle that hit him (Honda CRV).

I will give the manufacturers of BOTH of those vehicle "hat tips" for safety. The side airbags on Dad's Subaru deployed and saved him from serious head injury. The Honda "crumpled" to perfection and the interior section was perfectly intact. The driver of the CRV sustained a leg injury from a flying frying pan in her car (not kidding), but beyond the typical bruises and aches that accompany that kind of an impact, both drivers survived. In the 60's, they'd both be dead.

Dad would have definitely bought another Subaru based on his ownership experience, but I asked him to hang up his keys and after thinking it through for a few days, he agreed.
I have a 17 Raptor. Love it. I don’t know why someone needs 702 horsepower in the TRX or 760 horsepower in the Raptor R but it sounds awesome haha
Sorry if I offended you, GarBear. Tbh I have nothing against Raptor owners, it was just low hanging fruit.
They totally missnamed them raptors. Should have been cobra trucks the way they flatten out.

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