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ESPN hit piece on the stadium renovation (1 Viewer)


Wide Receiver
'Asked this week by The Associated Press whether he's considering state funding of the project, Pillen's office said he is not including any funding for Memorial Stadium in his proposed budget.

Alberts and other university officials say the project will not use taxpayer money, instead relying on private fundraising and the athletic department's surplus funds.

"In other words, we could stop the stadium project today, but that would not do anything to mitigate the $58 million shortfall," said Melissa Lee, spokeswoman for the University of Nebraska. "The dollars that will fund the stadium renovation cannot otherwise be used to pay university salaries or keep the lights on or fund an academic program."

Some in academia want to see private fundraising for academic programs and staff, much the way athletics raises money for athletic programs.

UNL sociology professor Christina Falci, who is president of the American Association of University Professors' UNL chapter, said higher education fundraising outside of athletics is concentrated mostly in boosting research centers, student services and endowed chairs, not in aiding humanities and the professors who teach them.

Without a push to bring in such revenue for academia, she said, "you're going to shrink the breadth of courses that students can take."'

This is what it all comes down to. The optics are horrible, the priorities are out of whack for how universities *should* be run, Pillen is a dope, but the renovation money is coming from different sources than the academics and university budget cuts. Two separate things. I think the renovation is unnecessary and silly right now, and I sure as hell think the budget cuts are ridiculous (and are keeping me from a much deserved raise at the moment) but it is what it is.

Black Dean

Dean but also Black
'Asked this week by The Associated Press whether he's considering state funding of the project, Pillen's office said he is not including any funding for Memorial Stadium in his proposed budget.

Alberts and other university officials say the project will not use taxpayer money, instead relying on private fundraising and the athletic department's surplus funds.

"In other words, we could stop the stadium project today, but that would not do anything to mitigate the $58 million shortfall," said Melissa Lee, spokeswoman for the University of Nebraska. "The dollars that will fund the stadium renovation cannot otherwise be used to pay university salaries or keep the lights on or fund an academic program."

Some in academia want to see private fundraising for academic programs and staff, much the way athletics raises money for athletic programs.

UNL sociology professor Christina Falci, who is president of the American Association of University Professors' UNL chapter, said higher education fundraising outside of athletics is concentrated mostly in boosting research centers, student services and endowed chairs, not in aiding humanities and the professors who teach them.

Without a push to bring in such revenue for academia, she said, "you're going to shrink the breadth of courses that students can take."'

This is what it all comes down to. The optics are horrible, the priorities are out of whack for how universities *should* be run, Pillen is a dope, but the renovation money is coming from different sources than the academics and university budget cuts. Two separate things. I think the renovation is unnecessary and silly right now, and I sure as hell think the budget cuts are ridiculous (and are keeping me from a much deserved raise at the moment) but it is what it is.

I agree about the renovation though, I think we should just do a full new stadium


Board Chairman - TPB, LLC
Elite Member
Be mad at the generations prior to now. That's how we got here.

If academics wants to plan a spelling bee or science fair on steroids and sell 90,000 tickets, then they need to figure out a way to do that. Or come up with a creative way to raise zillions - as the guy said in the article. He's an academic and he uses the word zillions?

Agreed the optics are terrible, but athletics already gives some of their $$ to academics. Rare for universities to do that anywhere across the country. How about they spend some of the few billion in foundation money. WTF is that there for? Same issue with Covid...academics were complaining about money, but nobody wanted to spend the foundation money. Just keep raising tuition.

They don't go to college to play school.


Head Coach
When I saw. UNL sociology professor Christina Falci, I knew what angle the article was going to take! Most miserable suffocating load of BS class I had to sit though ever. Took it as a summer course so I could get it over in 6 weeks.

Meanwhile these fiefdoms of tenured professors that teach in majors that sucks thousands of dollars out of an 18-22 year old student’s account so they can wait tables when they get out of college complain……

Turn Down for What

Running Back
Elite Member


Elite Member
I think the answer is in the article, the U should cut down the “breadth of classes” kids can take so they can get a useful degree, instead of general studies degree that reads like a participation trophy.

No one needs a degree in sociology to wait tables these kids should save 80k & work.


Elite Member
'Asked this week by The Associated Press whether he's considering state funding of the project, Pillen's office said he is not including any funding for Memorial Stadium in his proposed budget.

Alberts and other university officials say the project will not use taxpayer money, instead relying on private fundraising and the athletic department's surplus funds.

"In other words, we could stop the stadium project today, but that would not do anything to mitigate the $58 million shortfall," said Melissa Lee, spokeswoman for the University of Nebraska. "The dollars that will fund the stadium renovation cannot otherwise be used to pay university salaries or keep the lights on or fund an academic program."

Some in academia want to see private fundraising for academic programs and staff, much the way athletics raises money for athletic programs.

UNL sociology professor Christina Falci, who is president of the American Association of University Professors' UNL chapter, said higher education fundraising outside of athletics is concentrated mostly in boosting research centers, student services and endowed chairs, not in aiding humanities and the professors who teach them.

Without a push to bring in such revenue for academia, she said, "you're going to shrink the breadth of courses that students can take."'

This is what it all comes down to. The optics are horrible, the priorities are out of whack for how universities *should* be run, Pillen is a dope, but the renovation money is coming from different sources than the academics and university budget cuts. Two separate things. I think the renovation is unnecessary and silly right now, and I sure as hell think the budget cuts are ridiculous (and are keeping me from a much deserved raise at the moment) but it is what it is.
FYI - some of us are already providing designated funds for academia, there is a fair amount of fund raising taking place.


Offensive Lineman
Funny how espn remained quiet when Ohio st's QB said we're here to play football not to play school but once we start throwing money towards our football program they're all over it and we're more about athletics than education. 🤦

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