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You're the number 1 recruit in the country as a QB


POTD Editor of tPB. Master interviewer
Titty Master
And you get to pick 5 official visits and commit
1. Nebraska
2. Ohio St
3. Alabama
4. Ole Miss
5. Asu

Commit to Neb or Alabama
And you get to pick 5 official visits and commit
1. Nebraska
2. Ohio St
3. Alabama
4. Ole Miss
5. Asu

Commit to Neb or Alabama
Season 4 Showtime GIF by Billions
I'd commit to NU but I'm a Homer. Ole Miss would be #2 - love how those Southern girls talk.
And you get to pick 5 official visits and commit
1. Nebraska
2. Ohio St
3. Alabama
4. Ole Miss
5. Asu

Commit to Neb or Alabama
1. ASU
2. Hawaii
3. Wherever Freeze is coaching
4. $hadie$t $EC $chool at the time
5. ASU again

Commit to Neb or Bama as well
Let's be honest, the only reason to commit to Nebraska over any other team on that list right now is if you're a homer.. I would probably go Ole Miss. You get all of the hot southern girls, and Kiffin will still coach you up.
I think OU would definitely be my choice after thinking about it a little more. Play in a conference that inflates your stats for a team that has a very QB friendly offense and gets you drafted. Plus close to home.
I’m committing to Nebraska so all of my visits are strictly for dick wetting porpoises.

First do an unofficial visit to Nebraska to silent commit - tell Clouse that I’m on board but that he can’t explicitly say so.

1. Ole Miss
2. Texas
3. Miami
4. Arizona St

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