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Wisconsin shutting down football activities for two weeks

I can’t find it now, but I‘m pretty I saw that Wiscy’s shutting down had been planned for some time. I may well be wrong in that, but I swear I saw something to that effect in one of the press releases. With that said, I’m not sure it makes much difference at this stage. I can’t imagine that Wiscy would proceed with shutting down if there was a remote possibility of playing Oct 10. They would be foregoing 2 of 4 weeks of practice. This all but puts a nail in the coffin for 2020 B1G football as best I can see.

Look this is my personal opinion, but not without having researched a fair bit of data, but we seem to be sensationalizing/politicizing this whole thing. Clearly Covid exists, its bad, it‘s really bad if you have underlying issues and are 65+, and it MAY even have a slightly higher mortality rate than many other illnesses. However, I keep seeing headlines of tragic cases like ”28 year old teacher test positive for covid on Monday and dies on Tuesday”, or “CA HS football player contracts Covid and dies”. These are sad stories for sure, but at the same time we don’t hear the national news say “CA woman dies in weeks following cancer diagnosis” or ”2 teens die in car crash”. These are just as sad stories, and when you combine the fatality rate of cancer and car crashes it blows the mortality rate of Covid out of the water. Yea, I get that the latter examples aren’t contagions, take two other contagions and sum their mortality rate and I’m willing to bet they exceed Covid’s TRUE mortality rate. My point is bubble wrap the vulnerable, take personal ownership for not spreading the virus as best you can (wear a mask, its not that difficult) but lets the economy get going, let the boys play football and stop sensationalizing the statistically irrelevant and anomalous Covid deaths. They are sad for sure, but making headlines out of them is nothing more than fear mongerIng.

Sorry for the rant, but seeing Pedo St and Wisky wuss out has put me in a foul mood. This just before I head to stinkin’ Lincoln so my son can visit the campus.

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