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Will there be an EPP this week?

Yes. I know who he is and he can’t view the elite section currently.
That's good to know. I think that's a precondition to almost any of the content going forward. I don't have anything I'm particularly dying to write this week, so I think it'll depend on what the actual information-providers say.
Is the Waterboy's support staff status pretty much the life line to this board?
I was 95% sure who he was at the last practice, but I was too much of a puss to ask some kid if he's a drunk, who just got a MIP, and into fat girls.
Do you get to see practice normally too?
Yes. Quite a few in fall and spring.
How do things look in practice?

I'm going to cross a line and tell me to fuck off if needed......

former player or just someone super important in general? No names needed.

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