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Where would you rather live?

jickey moseph

Wide Receiver
Elite Member

Seems like a lot of the replies are basing this off of Google pictures and the 'view' you get in Boulder.

Have a family cabin up near Nederland/Ward. Don't get me wrong, it's nice going for a week or two ever summer, but Lincoln and/or Omaha is much better than Boulder.
Boulder was one of my least favorite cities in Colorado. Beautiful views but too much weirdness & traffic. Even 30 years ago there were drug addled teenagers begging on corners. Or the other extreme was the rich kids acting like entitled brats. Not much in between there.

Funny story about a Boulder/CU student. I borrowed a buddies truck to pick up a snowmobile. Got pulled over cuz his tail light was out plus he didn't have his current insurance info in the vehicle. Had to go to court and this douche spoiled rich kid in a track suit got busted for speeding in a 55 mph. He was over the speed limit enough that judge said it is a jailable offense. Brat said he couldn't serve any time because he was a serious student and didn't want to miss any classes or time to study. Judge complimented him on his dedication to academics, and everybody could tell the kid was lying his ass off. He had a grin on his face like he beat the system until the judge told him he was to report to the jail after his last class on friday and go back to campus monday morning for the next month. Even told him he had to bring his books and that the jailers would be reporting back to him as to whether or not he was studying the whole time in there.
I know but they would be from CU alum who live in the Ballpark district or LoHi because they moved out of Boulder as soon as they graduated.
I live in LoHi now and can confirm that most of the recent grads today from CU still fit the mold of spoiled, entitled, etc. There's a few diamonds in the rough, but they're few and far between.

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