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What would we do without Uber

I was coming home from work. Actually originally I was going to meet a client but obviously that didn't work out. Normally I would have stayed much later. Glad I wasn't trying to find an Uber at 1 or 2.
Yeah. That'd fucking suck. Unfortunately there isn't like technology to just see people on a computer screen that could have helped you avoid this.
Yeah. That'd fucking suck. Unfortunately there isn't like technology to just see people on a computer screen that could have helped you avoid this.
That would be handy if there was such a thing but most people are old fashioned. Especially old people. Also if I work from home I really get dick all done.
thats crazy that your transmission just flat ass went out, usually its gradual and you can at least limp it home. what vehicle?
This is what's on your mind at 2:08 a.m.? JK - hope the cattle & gramps are doing better.

In the mid-to-late 90's, I was running up to South Sioux City to meet with IBP. Due to marriage and fatherhood, I was no longer driving a Corvette but proudly rocking the "yea, I'm off the market" 1995 Ford Taurus. Had it on cruise control the whole way there, and when I backed off of it to take the exit, the transmission simply refused to engage. Somewhere between Omaha and Sioux City it simply @died, but held together long enough to make it to that point. Weird.

I called the consultants I had working there to come pick me up on the highway so I could make the meeting, and wound up having to rent a car to get back home. Fortunately, I was within warranty so the Ford dealership there repaired the vehicle and I was able to swap the rental for my benign dadmobile the next week. The wiper motor failed on me a few months later, so I wound up trading that thing in (on a Chevy Tahoe, IIRC) since clearly "quality wasn't Job 1" with Ford at the time.
This is what's on your mind at 2:08 a.m.? JK - hope the cattle & gramps are doing better.

In the mid-to-late 90's, I was running up to South Sioux City to meet with IBP. Due to marriage and fatherhood, I was no longer driving a Corvette but proudly rocking the "yea, I'm off the market" 1995 Ford Taurus. Had it on cruise control the whole way there, and when I backed off of it to take the exit, the transmission simply refused to engage. Somewhere between Omaha and Sioux City it simply @died, but held together long enough to make it to that point. Weird.

I called the consultants I had working there to come pick me up on the highway so I could make the meeting, and wound up having to rent a car to get back home. Fortunately, I was within warranty so the Ford dealership there repaired the vehicle and I was able to swap the rental for my benign dadmobile the next week. The wiper motor failed on me a few months later, so I wound up trading that thing in (on a Chevy Tahoe, IIRC) since clearly "quality wasn't Job 1" with Ford at the time.
vehicles are a pain in the ass. would hate to ever break down on the interstate.

im just finishing my night shift of calving. we had zero. thank god. and i got a little sleep in my 95 tahoe
thats crazy that your transmission just flat ass went out, usually its gradual and you can at least limp it home. what vehicle?
2016 Yukon. It slipped when I first started driving then was fine. Figured no big deal just cold. Drove a few miles. Then it started slipping more as I got up around 45. Got up to 65 and going fine. Then came to a hill and it really started slipping.

Got to the other side of the hill I slowed down and then it just flat wouldn't go into gear. Sercice engine light came on. Coasted to the side of the road and sat there for a bit. Shut it off and restarted it. Sat for 10 minutes or so. Put it into drive and nothing.

Tried a couple more times and then ordered the Uber and tow truck. Probably went a little over 5 miles total.

Remote started it twice before leaving. Stopped at the gas station a block away and left it running when I ran inside to Casey's to get a pop and a delicious slice of pizza. Would think that would have been plenty of warming up.

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