Asking for how much time you should run each run really isn't going to be helpful. Types of sprinkler heads, the pressure/volumetric flow of the heads, overlapping zone coverage, type of soil, and then temperature and rainfall all affect how long you should be running your sprinklers. Really the only accurate way to know how long you should run your sprinklers is to test them and see how much water different areas of your lawn/different zones are getting. Look up tuna can watering test.
Based on that test, you can determine how much time you would need to run them to get to a weekly total (say in 10 minutes, you get 0.25" of water, then 20 minutes would give you 0.5", and running it 3 times a week - at 20 minutes each day - would give you 1.5" for the week). You can then also adjust the time based on how hot, how much sun, etc you are getting and you can increase certain zones if they seem to dry out faster. Spring and Fall you typically want 1-1.5" per week. In the summer, that is going to increase.
For my backyard, I am running my sprinklers for about 45 minutes, and I do that 3 times a week, alternating days. For my front yard, I am running them about 30 minutes, 3 times a week, alternating days.