Watched the fight too. That youtuber and Nate Robinson was a hilarious fight. I've never seen a professionally set up match, with such unprofessional skill haha. He got knocked the fuck out because he was just slinging haymakers.
Tyson... this dude looked ready, lost all that weight and trained like a madman. It showed, although he was more reserved. Probably due to just age. Roy, yeah he got a jab or two in, but make no mistake, this fight was a "draw" but Tyson was getting some hits in where Roy looked like "wtf did I get myself into." His speed and strategy was all but gone in his older age. If that fight lasted two more rounds, he would've been kissing canvas, I'm sure of it.
All in all, the whole thing was pretty entertaining. Music acts, all of it was pretty good. Easy $50 bucks for 3-4 hours of entertainment.