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Two things: pro bowling/WWE wrasslin'

Johannes de Silentio

Offensive Lineman
Elite Member
I've been watching the former more and more recently. Truly, it is the sport of kings. Very relaxing to sit back with a beer and enjoy a television presentation of the beautiful game.

But, because Fox/FS1/FS2 has the coverage, I was often subjected to WWE advertising. Moreover, after one event finished, it went into a recent replay of SmackDown. I hadn't actually watched any WWE wrasslin' since the early-'00s with DX, Stone Cold, and all that shit. I'm sure a lot of it is just me having become a mid-30s loser and not a teenage stud, but man it was painful. Everything seems stupid. It's also definitely not helped by Covid not letting them have crowds but they're trying to play it up like there really are still people there.

I knew this was the board to get opinions on both. @lee_carvallo_12 , I feel like you and @#HBD might have some thoughts.
I've been watching the former more and more recently. Truly, it is the sport of kings. Very relaxing to sit back with a beer and enjoy a television presentation of the beautiful game.

But, because Fox/FS1/FS2 has the coverage, I was often subjected to WWE advertising. Moreover, after one event finished, it went into a recent replay of SmackDown. I hadn't actually watched any WWE wrasslin' since the early-'00s with DX, Stone Cold, and all that shit. I'm sure a lot of it is just me having become a mid-30s loser and not a teenage stud, but man it was painful. Everything seems stupid. It's also definitely not helped by Covid not letting them have crowds but they're trying to play it up like there really are still people there.

I knew this was the board to get opinions on both. @lee_carvallo_12 , I feel like you and @#HBD might have some thoughts.
I’m not sure I can lend a whole lot to the conversation. I’ve never really watched either, although I like to go bowling now and again. My wrestling discussions on the scrolls were simply to get under Hardware Hank’s skin.... which was entirely too easy.
Also, listening to the wrestlers work the mic now is way too much like watching the South Park episode where they turn it into the theater for rednecks. These monologs are out of control.
that episode of south park hit me right between the eyes. it is so spot on perfect with how sensitive and thin skinned and defensive hs/collegiate wrestlers are about their sport and how much of a melodrama WWE has become. It's more like watching a staged theatric production than an athletic event.

Traditional hardcore wrestling guy who can't laugh at himself (ie - hankster).


People who watch it because it's so predictably over the top.

I went to a Movie Theater to watch the first WrestleMania on Closed Circuit TV back in the 80s

The LOUDEST crowd at any event I ever attended was seeing Hulk Hogan wrestle at the LA Sports Arena in the late 80s.

Louder than a NC Game, a Super Bowl and 12 Iron Maiden crowds.
That's what I'm struggling with here. I remember it being so awesome, and across two eras for me (late-'80s/early-'90s and then the Attitude Era). Watching this now, it's almost so bad that it's not even good.
That's what I'm struggling with here. I remember it being so awesome, and across two eras for me (late-'80s/early-'90s and then the Attitude Era). Watching this now, it's almost so bad that it's not even good.
Agree. When I think of pro wrestling i still think hogan, macho man, ultimate warrior, razor Ramon and even further back to rick flair, big john stud, jerry lawler, and my personal favorite THE American Dream - dusty rhodes. Then to a lesser extent the undertaker, steve austin, the rock, goldberg, et al. I wouldn't even know where to start watching now.

dusty rhodes GIF
Also, listening to the wrestlers work the mic now is way too much like watching the South Park episode where they turn it into the theater for rednecks. These monologs are out of control.
In college we got into watching Monday Night Raw once MNF was done for the year. It was a great time to watch January to April for the wrestlemania build up & it was when Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels had a historic feud then followed with undertaker Triple H.

After that, we’d tune in every now & then but most of it was all crap. WWE went corporate & more focused on financial numbers/Wall Street rather than entertaining fans, the PG era. Everything is completely scripted word for word, it’s all out theater for kids....& probably rednecks

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