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Turned 30 today

There's a million different answers to this question, but I'll share you in on a little secret I've picked up on during my own journey:

"if you split up with your wife and then after that a global pandemic that turns the world up on its head so you're working from home and you invite an old high school flame to come quarantine with you, use protection. And lots of it. Sometimes these sorts of things turn into messy situations where you end up with 2 daughters with 2 different women a year apart."

I know we've all heard this common adage, so I don't want sound cliche, but this one in particular has really rung true in my life.
There's a million different answers to this question, but I'll share you in on a little secret I've picked up on during my own journey:

"if you split up with your wife and then after that a global pandemic that turns the world up on its head so you're working from home and you invite an old high school flame to come quarantine with you, use protection. And lots of it. Sometimes these sorts of things turn into messy situations where you end up with 2 daughters with 2 different women a year apart."

I know we've all heard this common adage, so I don't want sound cliche, but this one in particular has really rung true in my life.
Could happen to the best of us, son. No regerts.

What great advice can I get from the highest collective IQ in the stratosphere?
Time flys, son. You hear it all the time but most don’t really take it to heart cause we’re all just busy living our lives. My old ass turns 68 day after tomorrow (10-10) and you better appreciate every single memory that’s making up yore life’s resume.

My life expectancy right now is approx age 83. And I’m overweight with a few other health issues, so maybe not that long.

So let’s do the math. At 83, that’s 15 yrs or 180 more Saturdays in my life. 180 Saturdays to hang out with our kids and grandkids.

180 Saturdays to watch college football or play golf with my bride or to be in Canada fishing for walleye. 180 Saturdays to mow the yard or gawk at gorgeous sunsets or go on vacation.

Bottom line is to know that time really does fly and you better pack as much shit into every day that you can. Work, play, love.....whatever.

Now get the fuck off my lawn.....😉

There's a million different answers to this question, but I'll share you in on a little secret I've picked up on during my own journey:

"if you split up with your wife and then after that a global pandemic that turns the world up on its head so you're working from home and you invite an old high school flame to come quarantine with you, use protection. And lots of it. Sometimes these sorts of things turn into messy situations where you end up with 2 daughters with 2 different women a year apart."

I know we've all heard this common adage, so I don't want sound cliche, but this one in particular has really rung true in my life.

Lol, holy shit. Have you given details on this before? I am very curious.
There's a million different answers to this question, but I'll share you in on a little secret I've picked up on during my own journey:

"if you split up with your wife and then after that a global pandemic that turns the world up on its head so you're working from home and you invite an old high school flame to come quarantine with you, use protection. And lots of it. Sometimes these sorts of things turn into messy situations where you end up with 2 daughters with 2 different women a year apart."

I know we've all heard this common adage, so I don't want sound cliche, but this one in particular has really rung true in my life.

Life comes at you fast
Same, I'm 28 and my back sucks

Buy good (and expensive) shoes and buy good (and expensive) inserts for those shoes. Every shoe worn, all the time.

Stretch, walk, swim, then stretch walk swim some more. I've found that push-ups help, but only if you're back is healthy at the time. Kick boxing can be good if you start slow and while your back is healthy. Progress slowly with kick boxing on YT or DVD. I'm a believer that a lot of back pain starts with stress.
Anyone with back problems should be in a hip mobility program and be doing a lot of core work.
Check out Eric Wong on YouTube. I use his program and didn’t realize how week my hips were until I started the program. Lower back pain is gone and I’m 39. Now I have new pains as I’m fixing my body, but it is indeed slowly but surely healing and coming back into alignment and offloading the compensatory shit that was creating the impingements.

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