I didn't think we were talking about teams leaving, I assumed we were talking about less valuable teams being asked to leave. Suppose the Big Ten pays out $100 million in media rights annually and they learn that because they have Indiana, Purdue adds no value to the media rights. Why keep Purdue when you remove them and split the same media rights X-1 ways instead of X ways? The value assessment has been a direct driver for the addition of schools, so why would we expect it to stop now that conferences have consolidated?
Perhaps what you're getting at is the lack of exit options for places like Ohio State now keeping them in equal revenue sharing models and I think you have a point there, but it feels like the "how much value does this team really add" light has been applied to teams as we've seen "partial rights payouts" offered to schools and other than said lack of exit options I don't know what is going to stop that light from being turned on teams within the conference.
The equal revenue sharing model has worked for the Big Ten/SEC mostly because they have the most valuable tv properties and the checks were equally large relative to elsewhere, but now there isn't really an elsewhere so for schools to improve their financial position they're going to have to try to squeeze more juice out of existing conferences/media partners/alternative revenue streams and I don't know what form that will take