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TPB X thread (56 Viewers)


Yells at Clouds
Elite Member

He's going to catch a lot of flak from a segment of the fanbase for this (e.g. "COWARD!"), but to echo the sentiments expressed by Coach Rhule earlier this week, he'd be an absolute distraction and take the focus of the game away from the kids ... where it belongs. I actually think this is the smart play for Turd; let the game be about the players and the coaches, not him.


5 Star Punter
Elite Member
He's going to catch a lot of flak from a segment of the fanbase for this (e.g. "COWARD!"), but to echo the sentiments expressed by Coach Rhule earlier this week, he'd be an absolute distraction and take the focus of the game away from the kids ... where it belongs. I actually think this is the smart play for Turd; let the game be about the players and the coaches, not him.
You may not be wrong, but I'm not gonna let a little bit of rationality interfere with the pettiness of my Turd-hating right now.

Turd = pants-pissing nancy boy.

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