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TPB X thread

@Jim14510 Figured that much. I grew up seining the Elkhorn River, creeks and lakes around West Point. Grandpa was huge into fishing so we'd go out to get bait. Amazing the different fish and critters we would catch. There was a field that had a big ole mud puddle in the middle of it for the cows to drink from that wasn't more than 2 feet deep but just crawling with Crawdads. We'd pull out hundreds of Crawdads from it. We seined a wide variety of fish including Northern Pike & Bass out of the Elkhorn River plus the occasional Turtle, Mud Puppy or Snake.
Yeah there's some cool little fish. Different sunfish, darters, etc
great to see Cockeye fans are still so realistic

🤦‍♂️ Funny that they are so confident in the Nebraska game considering most of the games in the last 10 year on their side were won on last second field goals. Plus we've sucked during that time period.

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