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TPB X thread (22 Viewers)


Head Coach

James Carville does not back down when confronted about his comments that Democrat messaging is 'too feminine':
Carville: "If you start speaking like NPR, you're going to lose votes. I just don't like the term communities of color.
I live in New Orleans. They got three guys on the street corner. 'Hey fellas how are things in the communities of color today?' They said 'What is this son of a bitch talking about? Jive ass bastard out of here.'"
"We started on this coded language and we let it get away from us."
"Guess where our young male number is going? In the toilet. Because Democrat messaging is too feminine. It just is."
Jonathan Capehart asks Carville about his '"Democratic culture has too many preachy females. Too much 'Don't eat Hamburgers, don't watch football, wear a condom'. Man, shit, leave me alone." quote:
Capehart: "There are a lot of people for whom saying that there are too many preachy females, might sound like you're a 20th century man in a 21st century country, that has changed."
Carville: "I'm sorry. There are too many preachy females in Democratic campaign culture. We come across to people as judgmental. That's not good, at all.
Look at the male number who identify as Democrats.
There are actually people who don't mind losing elections because it makes them feel better and superior.
If you don't win you aren't shit, you're just running around with talking points.
You don't win elections by telling people their dietary habits are bad."

James Carville is truly the last man standing in the Democrat party.

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