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TPB X thread (17 Viewers)


Heisman Winner
Elite Member
That's probably real there.
My brother and some of his business partners were buying and flipping homes in Venice Beach. Most were within a block of the beach. I was out there so stopped by to check on them and couldn't believe how weird the scene was on the Boardwalk in Venice Beach. Cool but really weird. One of the houses they sold to Cher's son/daughter Chastity Bono later Chaz Bono. Another they sold to a lawyer and he ended up suing them over something stupid with the appliances on the rooftop kitchen. They lost and he was awarded a couple hundred thousand dollars over something small. Literally was like a $15,000 fix but he went after them for Pain & Suffering too. After that they said Fuck It we aren't dealing with Cali anymore

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