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TPB My Little Pony Fanclub

fun fact: I actually started that thread and it was renamed after I was perma-banned from tMB 5 years ago for making fun of Schmohawk via DM.
Haha no that was on RSS and magically I never even got a warning

This is an example of why so many are pissed about moderating hypocrisy at the mothership.

Also, if I'm reading this right you are bant from the main board? As shitty as some of the posts are on there, I'm surprised they ban anybody ever.
This is an example of why so many are pissed about moderating hypocrisy at the mothership.

Also, if I'm reading this right you are bant from the main board? As shitty as some of the posts are on there, I'm surprised they ban anybody ever.
Totally depends on the moderator on for the night. For instance I got warned by Kong Dong for saying “Flopping Dong” for a new recruit announcement but nothing when I told someone to lick trumps asshole. Hilarious.

need to hear this story🤣

It's kinda funny...
So for the longest time on Rivals, prior to tMB I spent my time on the Husker Board and the GatorBait board. Colonel Angus is a friend IRL.
It was always nice to chat with the other sides to get different takes. This was really before the Scrolls became filled with Black Helmets and Potatoes.
And it was also before LIKES and Points etc. That's why my Post/Like Ratio is shitty. Cause I am an awesome poster.

We, me and the GB crew would venture to Warchant every now and again, and I liked some of those guys, but to stir up shit.
This was in the early 2000's.

So one day there was a Brad Johnson thread, he was a former FSU QB and was mostly OK in the NFL.
I cannot remember the context in detail but it was about him sucking as a QB and the FSU guys not liking him for his time there.

And instead of typing out his full name they were calling him BJ.
So in that thread I posted a similar pic to the below in response to him sucking, before Spoilers and NSFW designations, just out in the clear:



Perma Bant ever since.

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